April 6, 1761 A Bill to compell the attendance of the Members of the assembly of this Province already Electted or hereafter to be Electted within the same.
Whereas the attendance of the Representatives of the several counties and towns within ^(this) Province at the General Assembly is of the greatest consequence to the Publick And the fines and Penalties already inflicted by Law the method therein Prescribed of Recovery thereof has not Been found sufficient to Answer the purposes thereby Intended for remedy whereof for the future We Pray that it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Assembly and by the authority of the same That from and after the passing this act If any Member of the Assembly already [begin crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(elected) or that shall hereafter be [begin crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out]^(elected) and ^(being) Quallified and admitted shall fail or Neglect to give his attendance of the Assembly at or upon the day appointed by [begin crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Proclamation or Prorogation he shall forfeit and pay the sum of [blank space] Proclamation money for every days non attendance unless he can show Sufficient Reason to the Assembly then Setting or the next succeeding Assembly for such his non attendance. [in pencil] 4B1
And Be it further Enacted by the Authority Aforesaid that if any Member shall not give his attendance at the assembly then Sitting and offer such Sufficient Reason For his non Attendance as aforesaid the Speaker of the House of Assembly after the Rising thereof shall Issue a Summons Directed to the Sheriff of the County where such Member Shall Reside Commanding him to Summons such Member to appear at the next Sessions of Assembly to show Cause if any he have why a Warrant Should not Issue to Levy such ^(Sum) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] of Money on such members Goods and ^(Chattels) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] which said ^(Summons) the Sheriff of the ^(County) to which the same shall Issue is hereby directed to Execute and Return to the Assembly
And Be it Further Enacted by the Authority afore said that if upon the [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(Return) of Such Summons by the Sheriff it shall be made Known that the same has been Executed and the Member so Summoned Shall fail to appear and Give such Sufficient Reason as aforesaid for his non Attendance to be Approved of by the Assembly Then and in that Case the Speaker of the Assembly shall issue his Warrant for such sum of Money as such Member shall be liable to pay by virtue hereof During the Sitting of the Assembly or at Anytime within two months after the Rising thereof Directed to the Sheriff of the County where such member shall Reside and the Sheriff of such County is hereby ordered and Directed to
To Levy the same on the Goods and Chattels of such Member if to be found within his Bailiwick Sufficient to Pay and Satisfy the [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(Sum) Specified in Such Warrant and all Accruing Costs and ^(Shall Sell) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Such goods and Chattles in the same manner and under the like Rules and Regulations as goods Sold by a Writ of Fieri Facias issuing from Any of the Superior or Inferior Courts and the Over Plus if any after Deducting the Debts and all Accruing Costs shall return to the Owner And such Sheriff Shall have and Receive for Levying such Warrant and sale of such goods aforesaid the same fees as is Allowed him by Law for Levying and Execution by Virtue of a Writ issuing from any of the aforesaid Courts and Such Sheriff together with his [doings?] thereon to the Next succeeding Assembly Shall make Return of such Warrant [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(and) the money He shall have Collected by Virtue thereof to the ^(Treasurer) [crossed out] [llegible] [end crossed out] of the ^(District) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(where such Member shall Reside) [crossed out] at the next sitting after the [illegible] [end crossed out] [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] which said Sum of Money shall be applied towards Defraying the Contingent Charges [crossed out] Charges [end crossed out] of Gover^(n)ment and to [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(no) other use whatsoever Provided Nevertheless that nothing herein Contain^(e)d shall be Construed Deemd or taken to hinder or Prevent the House of Assembly from Sending For Members in Custody of the Serjent at Arms But that They may at all Times hereafter have and Exercise the same Power Jurisdiction and Authority as heretofore they have Been Accustomed to, Any Law to the Contrary notwithstanding
And Be it Further Enacted by the Authority Aforesaid that if the Sheriff of any County to which such Summons or Warrant Shall Issue shall Fail or Neglect To Exectue the same the Speaker of the Assembly shall Issue his Warrant at any time during the Sitting [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] of the Assembly [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Directed to the Serjeant at Arms Commanding him ^(to bring such) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Sheriff [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(to the) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Assembly to answer such his Contempt
A Bill to Compell the attendance of the membe[torn] the Assembly of this Province already Elected or hereafter to be Elected within the [house?]
6th of April 1761 In the Assembly read the first time & passd By order Wm Herritage Clk Sent by Mr Fonville & Mr Miller
7th April 1761 In the Upper House of Assembly read the first time & passed By order [Jno?] Burgwin Clk
10: April 1761 Rejected