
Session of November-December, 1762: Bills, November 11-12




Dec. 3, 1762

Mr Speaker & Gentlemen of the Assembly

On reading your message of yesterday we cannot but Observe with equal surprize and concern upon that manifest want of Decency and Decorum which appears upon the face of it. A proper respect is certainly due by the different Branches of the Legislature to each other and we are sorry to find ourselves under a necessity in this Public manner of resenting the Mode of Expression which you have made use of in your last Message; Taxing us as a Branch of the Legislature with Insisting upon the Introduction of Commissions unknown, contrary to Law, and in their consequences pernicious are charges that We cannot pass over in Silence especially as We are fully convinced That you cannot be Ignorant, that general Commissions to Enable the Members of His Majestys Council and the Officers of the Crown to Act as Conservators of the Peace, are neither unknown to you, in their consequences pernicious, or against Law. We therefore must Insist upon the Amendments proposed by us to the Bill for Establishing Inferior Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in the several Countys in this Province; To which if you agree you will Send Such of your Members as you think proper to See the Same made.

3d Decer 1762 In the Upper House By Order Jno Burgwin Clk


Last edit 6 months ago by powens


Message from the Council 3d Decm 1762


Last edit 6 months ago by powens


Dec. 8, 1762

Mr Speaker & Gentlemen of the Assembly

On Reading a third time the Bill to amend & continue An Act Intituled an Act to Regulate the Inspection of Pork Beef Rice etc We would propose the follg Amendments, Viz.

That there sho'd be two Inspectors for the Town of Wilmington

That the Collector should have Two Shillings and Eight Pence for Granting a Certificate of his having administerd the Oath to Masters of Vessells

That the breadth of Staves assertained in the Bill should be clean of sap

That the Clause allowing Inspectors to have Assistants should be Struck out as it must have a tendency to many Frauds and there cannot be any Necessity for such assistants, the Inferior Court having by the Bill a power to appoint more than one Inspector in any Town when necessary

That the clause allowing Provisions to be kept three Months after Inspection without Reinspection before shipping should be dele'd, as there is a Clause in the Bill [crossed out] allowing [end crossed out] directing it to be done, sho'd such Provisions remain longer on hand [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] than Twenty days, which we think will have a better Effect

To which amendments if you agree [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(we desire you will) send some of your Members to See the same made.

8th Decr 1762 In the Upper House By Order Jno Burgwin clk


Last edit 6 months ago by powens


Message from the Council 8th Decr 1762 On Inspection Bill

1762 Dobbs

Last edit 6 months ago by powens


[?] Nov. 22, 1962

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Assembly

Upon Reading your Message in Answer to ours relative to the Bill for Establishing Superior Courts of Pleas and Grand Sessions within this Province We are sorry to find that you have not agreed to our so reasonable amendments, But we will in order that it may operate for the purposes intended agree to dele every thing regarding the Associate Justice of Salisbury And to have one Associate Judge appointed to have equal Authority with the Chief Justice thro out the Province Provided a Suitable Salary is allowed for Such Associate so to be appointed. The equity and Necessity of such an amendment being Obvious We hope for your concurrence thereto, and that you will send [two?] Members to see such amendment made Otherwise we cannot pass the Bill.

22d November 1762 In the Upper House by order Jno Burgwin Clk


Last edit 6 months ago by powens
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