



Status: Complete


Brought Forward £1925..16..1
√√ Lieu[enan]t John Miller & Comp[an]y Ranging Octob[e]r 1759 60..0..8
√√ Capt[ain] Willis Ellis & Co Ranging 1760 25..18..8
√√ Capt[ain] Willis Ellis & Co Ranging 1760 25..5..0
√√ Lieu[enan]t William Luckie & Co Ranging 1760 10..5..4
√√ Ensign William Giles}
and Company} }Ranging June 1759 7..18..4
√√ Lieu[enan]t Andrew Smith & Co Ranging April 1760 14..4..0
√√ Lieu[enan]t John McWhorther & Co Ranging 1760 25..9..8
√√ Capt[ain] Thomas Allison & Co Ranging Feb[ua]ry 1760 10..18..10
√√ Lieu[enan]t John Thompson & Co Ranging 1759 9..8..0
√√ Capt[ain] Elijah Teague & Co Ranging June 1759 13..7..0
√√ Ensign Philip Howard & Co Ranging June 1759 11..11..6
√√ Capt[ain] Aventon Phelps & Co Ranging May & June 1759 32..8..[torn]
√√ Conrod Michael Waggonin on the Expedition 1760 33..15..0
√√ John Olliphant Waggonin on the Expedition 1760 32..5..0
√√ Henry Whora Waggonin on the Expedition 1760 27..0..0
√√ Thomas Foster Waggonin on the Expedition 1760 32..5..0
√√ John Song Waggonin on the Expedition 1760 108..15..[torn]
√√ John Dunn Waggonin on the Expedition 1760 45..15..0
√√ Thomas Parker Waggonin on the Expedition 1760 42..0..0
Carried Forward £2494..6..9

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