
Session of April 13-19, 20-24, 24-29, 1762: Joint Committees; Committee of Claims




Apl. 29, 1762

North Carolina ss

Reports of the Committee of Public Claims held at Wilmington on Monday the 26th day of April Anno Dom. 1762


[bracketed text] Lewis Henry DeRosset John Sampson Henry Eustace McCulloh [end bracketed text] [text to left of bracketed text] The Honble [end text to left of bracketed text] [text to right of bracketed text] Esqrs Members of the Council [end text to right of bracketed text]

[left margin vertical text] [Lb?] Apr 62 [end left margin vertical text]

[bracketed text] John Starkey Willm Bartram Sam Benton John Barrow Robt Howe Edward Vail Anthy Annistead Blake Baker John Frohock Richd Caswell Saml Johnston [end bracketed text] [text to right of bracketed text] Esqrs Members of the Assembly [end text to right of bracketed text]

The Committee of the Assembly being met at the house of Mr John Campbell proceeded to make choice of a Chair Man, Mr John Starkey was chose accordingly: And at the same time Mr Fredk Jones was appointed Clerk to the said Committee

Ordered by the Committee that the said Frederick Jones set up an Advertisement giving Notice to all Persons having any Business with the said Committee to give their Attendance at the House of Mr John Campbell where the said Comittee will attend to do business every Evening during the Session

John Oliver was allowed thirty pounds being the Valuation Mony for a Negroe Man, called Tom, to him belonging, who was tried by the Special Court in Craven County, And Judgment that he should be castrated, which being put in Execution died by means of the Operation in a short time after.

Amount Carried over £30


Last edit about 2 months ago by powens


Amount Brought over £30

John Roberts was allowed his Claim of Sixty pounds being the Valuation Mony, for a Negro called Jack, who was executed for Felony at Newbern being the Second offence. 60.

Joel Lane Sheriff of Halifax County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds, eighteen shillings and four pence for Sundry Services as per Acct filed. 10.18.4

Philemon Hawkins Sheriff of Granville County was allowed his Claim of twenty pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the Years 1758 and 1759 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for those years. 20.

√ Thomas Sawyer Sheriff of Pasquotank was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the Year 1759 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10.

√ Lemuel Sawyer Sheriff of Pasquotank was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10.

√ William Bray Sheriff of Currituck was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10.

Mr Andrew Miller was allowed three Shillings & four pence Proclamation Mony. For twenty five Shillings old Tenor paid into the Committee. .3.4

Theophilus Weeks was allowed his Claim of five Shillings & four pence Proclamation Money, for forty Shillings old Tenor paid into the Committee. .5.4

Mr Algernon Furnell was allowed his claim of twelve pounds for attending April Sup: Court 1761 at Wilmington as Atty General. 12.

Mr Richd Cogdell Sheriff of Craven County was allowed his Claim of Sixteen pounds, fifteen Shillings & ten pence, for Sundry Services as per two Accts filed. 16.15.10

Amount Carried over £200.10.[torn]


Last edit 6 months ago by powens


Amount Brought over £200.10.10

Mr William Powell was allowed his Claim of Seventy four pounds in full for Seals to this day as per Acct filed 74.

√ William Halsey Sheriff of Chowan County was allowed for pounds for castrating a Negroe called Jack, belonging to Joshua Bodiley Esqr whic is the allowance by Law, as per Acct filed 4.

Benjamin Person Deputy Sheriff of Granville County was allowed his Claim of four pounds, nineteen Shillings and eight pence for conveying William Thomas a Murderer from the County Goal of Granville, to the Sup: Court at Halifax 4.19.8

William Armstrong Sheriff of Cumberland County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the Year 1757 having fully accounted with the treasurer for that year 10.

Henry Roads Sheriff of Onslow County was allowed his Claim of twenty pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760 and 1761 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for the years 20.

Felix Kenan Sheriff of Duplin County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760 having fully accounted with the treasurer for the year 10.

John Walker Sheriff of Duplin County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1759 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year 10.

Ebenezer Harker Sheriff of Carteret County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1758 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year 10.

Thomas Robinson Sheriff of Bladen County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1759, having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year 10.

Joseph Williams Sheriff of Duplin County was allowed his claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1758, having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year 10.

Joseph Fulford Sheriff of Carteret County was allowed his claim of twenty pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the years 1757 & 1758 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for those years 20.

Amount Carried over £383.10.6


Last edit 6 months ago by powens


Amount Brought over £383.10.6

Thomas Bonner Sheriff of Beaufort County was allowed his claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1758 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10

William Bryan Sheriff of Johnston County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the Year 1760 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10

Abram Sheperd Sheriff of Dobbs County was allowed his claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10

The Exers of Joseph Caruthers [deceased], late Sheriff of Craven County, were allowed their Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760, having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10

Benjamin Miller Sheriff of Rowan County was allowed his Claim of twenty pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the years 1759 & 1760 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for those Years. 20

Richard Spaight Esqr was allowed his Claim of sixty pounds, being the valuation Mony, for a Negro Man Slave, to him belonging, called Cato, who had been outlawed and wounded in apprehending, and died of his wound in Goal, as by a certificate from the County Court of Craven. 60.

Robert McClenachan was allowed his claim of twelve pounds two Shillings; which has been produced to a former Committee & delayed then for want of Proof, but now comes proved. 12.2.

Samuel Johnston was allowed his claim of forty Shillings, for fifteen pounds old Tenor paid in to the Comittee. 2.

Richard Spaight Eqr Secretary was allowed his claim of one hundred and Seventeen pounds and four pence for Services & office Rent, for the Publick to this time, as per Acct filed. 117. .4.

Marmaduke Jones Esqr was allowed his Claim of nine pounds five Shillings, which Sum he payed for Expresses sent to Edenton & else where, as per his Acct filed. 9.5.

Mr James Davis was allowed his claim of Six pounds for printing & dispersing the Revd Mr Camps Sermon, by order of the Assembly. 6.

Mr William Powell was allowed his claim of five pounds eight Shillings and eight pence for several Expresses as per Receipts delivered in. 5.8.8

Amount carried over £655:6:6


Last edit 6 months ago by powens


Amount Brought over £655:6:6

William Peacock was allowed his Claim of fifty pounds being the valuation Mony of a Negroe Slave, to him belonging, called Morrise, who was burnt for Murder in Duplin County, as by certificate. 50.

Robert Johnston Sheriff of Bladen County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds, for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. 10.

√ William Cumings was allowed his Claim of twelve pounds for attending at Halifax March Sup: Court 1761 as Atty General. 12.

√ Mr John Campbell was allowed twenty one Shillings for nine days horse hire for Aaron Price an Express sent by Govr Dobbs to the Govr of Virginia. 1.1.

√ Mr Andrew Knox Sheriff of Parquimons County was allowed his Claim of four pounds for castrating a Negroe Man called Tom belonging to the Estate of James Long [deceased] as per Acct filed. 4.

Mr Frederick Gregg was allowed his claim of forty four pounds Seventeen Shillings and four pence for Storages, his Salary & extra Services to the 22d of this Month. 44.17.4

√ Thomas Lowe Goaler of Granville was allowed his Claim of five pounds, eighteen Shillings, for one hundred and eighteen days Imprisonment of William Thomas a Murderer as per Acct filed. 5.18

Joel Lane Sheriff of Halifax County was allowed his Claim of one pound, nine Shillings & four pence for maintaining the guard over Campbell Lassiter a Prisoner, as per Acct. 1.9.4 √

√ Henry Horah was allowed his Claim of twenty Shillings for two days Waggon hire to Fort Dobbs, as per acct filed. 1.

Richd Spaight Exqr was allowed his Claim of four pounds four Shillings charged by him for an express sent from Newbern to Halifax, with Proclamations to call the Assembly in June 1760; upon his proving he payd it, as per acct filed. 4.4.

Doctor Sam Green was allowed his Claim of Eleven pounds three Shillings and four pence for Sundry Medicines and attending several Soldiers in Colo Waddel's Company as per Acct. 11.3.4

Amount carried over £801:9:6


Last edit 6 months ago by powens
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