121[1 written over 0] The MSS [resides?] in office of [???] of State Nov. 13, 1762
North Carolina [???] [left margin] [circled number] 5 [end circled number] [end left margin]
Reports of the Committee of Publick Claims held at Newbern on Saturday the 13th day of Nov'r Anno Dom. 1762
Present The Hon[ora]ble{ {Lewis Henry DeRosset} {John Sampson} }Esqrs Membrs of the Council
{John Starkey} {John Barrow} {Anth T. Armistead} {Edmd Smithwick} {Alexandr Lillington} {Cullen Pollock} {William Bartram} {William MacKay} {John Frohock} }Esqrs Membrs of the Assembly
The Committee of the Assembly being met at the House of Mr Setgraves, proceeded to make choice of a Chairman. Mr John Starkey was chose accordingly, & at the same time Mr Fredk Jones was appointed Clerk to the said Committee. Ordered by the Committee that the said Fredk Jones set up Advertisemt giving Notice to all persons having any business with the said Comittee to give their Attendance at the house of Mr. Setgraves, where the said Committee will attend to do business every Evening during the Session.
[circled number] 5 [end circled number] 12 11 (nov. 13, 1762)
Thomas Jones was allowed his Claim of Sixty pounds, being the valuation Mony, of a Negroe Man called Jimmy, to him belonging, who was tried by the Special Court in New Hanover County and executed for Felony at Wilmington, being the Second Offence, as per Certificate filed | £60 ~ |
William Powell was allowed his Claim of twenty four pounds, eighteen Shillings & eight pence in full for Seals to the 22'd day of Octob'r last as per Acct filed | 24.18.8 |
William Powell was allowed his Claim of three pounds four Shillings and eight pence, for that Sum payd George Ormsby for carrying the Arms from Newbern to Wilmington as per Rect. | 3.4.8 |
William Bryan Sheriff of Johnston County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1761 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year | 10 ~ |
Amount carried over | £98.3.4 |
1212 1213 12)
Amount Brought over | £98.3.4 |
Robert Read Sheriff of Carteret County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the Year 1761 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year | 10 ~ |
John Walker sheriff of New Hanover County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1760. having accounted for the whole [list?] with the Treasurer for that year | 10 ~ |
Frederick Gregg was allowed his Claim of Twenty one pounds Six Shillings & eight pence for Storages, half year's Salary, & extra Services to the 25th day of October 1762 as per Acct filed | 21.6.8 |
John Burgwin Atty for Alexander McKeithen late Sheriff of Bladen County, was allowed Twenty pounds as his Salary for the years 1756 & 1757 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for those years | 20 ~ |
Amount carried over | £159.10~ |
[circled number] 8 [end circled number] 1214
Amount Brought over | £159.10~ |
√ Lemuel Sawyer Sheriff of Pasquotank was allowed his Claim of four pounds for castrating and curing a Negro called Sambo belonging to Edward William as per Certificate filed | 4 ~ |
Mr John Campbell, Ex[ecut]or to Peter Hinley Esqr late Chief Justice deceased, was allowed his Claim of nine pounds fourteen Shillings, & nine pence for so much paid by him for Powder & Lead for the Catawban Indians as per Robt Gillispies Receipt filed | 9.14.9 |
√ Captn Walter Lindsay was allowed his Claim of twenty seven pounds for horse hire, & other Services for the Use of the Mohawk Indians Sent by Sen William Johnston to the Cherokee Indians. In the year 1760, which was not allowed before forward of Voucher | 27 ~ |
Hector McNeil Sheriff of Cumberland County was allowed his claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1758, having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year. | 10 ~ |
Amount carried over | £2109.4.9 |
[circled number] 8 [end circled number] 1215
Amount Brought over | £210.4.9 |
√ Jarvis Jones Sheriff of Pasquotank County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1758 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year | 10 ~ |
√ Edward [Parson?] Sheriff of Bertie County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1759. Having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year | 10 ~ |
√ William Bray Sheriff of Currituck County was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for his Salary as Sheriff for the year 1761 having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year | 10 ~ |
John Burgwin was allowed his Claim of ten pounds for attending the Court of Oyer and Terminer at Wilmington in the year 1760, as Atty General for the Trial of Tyson As per acct Filed | 10 ~ |
Amount Carried over | £250.4.9 |