
Session of April-May, 1760: Lower House Papers; Form for Election Writs, Rejected Petition




May 5, 1760

North Carolina

To the Worshipfull the speaker and members of the Assembly Now setting in New Bern The Petition of Nathan Yeomans late Deputy Sheriff of Carteret County Humbly Sheweth

That on the first Day of February One Thousand seven Hundred and Sixty Being on his Way by Water to white Oak To settle with and pay to John Starkey Esq. Public Treasurer of the Southern District for the Taxes due from the said County for the Year One Thousand seven hundred and fifty [crossed out] Nine [end crossed out] Eight, was about a Mile off Beaufort Town in the County aforesaid when a sudden Flaw of Wind came from the So. So Wt or thereabouts and Oversett the [???] in which Your Petitioner was so that he was in great Danger of the Loss of his life being in the Water above One Hour, your Petitioners Coate Lying in the [???] [Sheets?] with a Pockett book therein Wherein was One Hundred and seventy five Pounds Proclamation Money, which Together with his Coate were washed Over Board and lost, at Length happely Came to his Assistance Mr. Caleb Bell Jonathan Gibbs and Samuel Eastlick all of the said County and took him up in the Condition as Described above. Afterwards Together with the said Caleb Bell Jonathan Gibbs and Samuel Eastlick Searched the Shore to [Leward?] of the Place ware Oversett at, And they the said Caleb Bell Jonathan Gibbs ^(Saml Eastlick) found his Pockett Book Open Washed to Pieces and some Loose Papers alonge the Marsh side, But no money therein afterward Your Petitioner sarched the most Likely Places on the Shore

Last edit 5 months ago by powens


Shore for the Money Three Days together with other Persons in Company, But to no Purpose. Your Petitioner Being a Poore man with a Wife and several small Children and but in Low Circumstances that if your Petitioner is Oblidged to make good the Loss of the said Money it Will Inevitably Ruin him and family, & as it is a well Known Maxim in Law that the Act of God should Prejudice no man in ^(Finding) Consideration of the Premises and Compassion to your Petitioners misfortunes and Circumstances he humbly Prays a Remittance of the said Sum or Such Other Relief as the Worshipfull Assembly shall in their great Wisdom think meet and just

And your Petitioner as in Duty Bound shall Pray etc etc

Nathan Yeomans

Last edit 6 months ago by powens



Last edit 6 months ago by powens


Petn Nathan Yeomans late Dept Sher of Carteret.

Last edit 6 months ago by powens


No Carolina ss

George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King, Defender of the Faith & so forth

To The Sherriff of [blank space]

We command you to Summon and warn the ^(Inhabitants) Freeholders within our said County of [blank space] to meet at the Court House on the [blank space] day of [blank space] next, then and there to Choose or Elect [blank space] Representative Duly Qualified [to?] [Sit?] and Vote in the General Assembly of Our said Province When soever or wheresoever the said Assembly shall be held, then and there to consult on the Weighty & Arduous affairs of Government Herein you are not to fail, And have you then and there this Writt with your doings thereupon Witness our Trusty and well beloved Arthur Dobbs Esq: & Capt General and Commander in Chief in and over our Said Province at Brunswick the Day of [blank space] 1760 and in the Thirty third year of His Majestys Reign

Mr. Dorman

please to make out Writs as above for [column 1] x Chowan 5 Representv. x x Perquimans 5 x x Pasquotank 5 x x Currituck 5 x x Craven 2 x x Carteret 2 x x Beaufort 2 x x Hyde 2 x x Orange 2 x x Northampton 2 x [end column 1]

[column 2] x Anson 2 x x Rowan 2 x Freeholders x N. Hanover 2 x x Bladen 2 x x Duplin 2 x [note to right of column 2] Representatives [end note to right of column 2] x Onslow 2 x x Halifax 2 x x Edgecomb 2 x x Granville 2 x x Bertie 2 x [end column 2]

Also Writs for Edenton ^(x), Bathe ^(x) & New Bern 1 Member each limited to the Sheriffs of those Counties, the forgoing all to warn the Inhabitants Brunswick 1. to the Sheriff N. Hanover to warn Freeholders & Freemen Wilmington 1 to the Mayor for the Freeholders

Please send them down as soon as possible

Yrs Wm. Powell

Last edit about 2 months ago by powens
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