


Session of December 5-6, 1760: Lower House Papers; Estimate of Pay and Allowances


Title: Session of December 5-6, 1760: Lower House Papers; Estimate of Pay and Allowances


Digital Collections: General Assembly Session Records

Identifier: GASR_Colonial_LHP_17601205_17601206

Digital Format: image/jpg

Resolution: 150 dpi

Digital Creator: Pezzoni, Sara

Digital Creation Date: 2017

Capture Tools: Zeutschel Book Scanner

Hosted By: State Archives of North Carolina

Metadata Creator: Pezzoni, Sara

Type: Text

Pres Filename: GASR_Colonial_LHP_17601205_17601206

Local Call Number: GASR Colonial, Box 2

Source: Session Records. General Assembly Records. State Archives of North Carolina

Language: English

Creator: North Carolina. General Assembly.

Date: D:00 M:00 Y:1760

Subject: Hasell, James, -1785; Swann, Samuel, 1704-1774; North Carolina--Politics and government; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775

Place: Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, United States

Time Period: (1600-1763) Colonial period

Description: Includes an estimate of the allowances due and payable to the members of the assembly, clerks, officers thereof this present session held at Wilmington in December 1760

Digital Characteristics: 3 pages

Format: Estimates

Rights: This item is provided courtesy of the State Archives of North Carolina and is a public record according to G.S.132.

Source Collections: Session Records. General Assembly Records. State Archives of North Carolina

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