



Status: Complete

13-19 April 1762

North Carolina ss
An Estimate of allowances due and Payable to the
Members of Assembly Clerk and officers thereof this
Present Assembly held at Wilmington in April in
the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Sixty Two being the First Session.

John Ashe Esq Speakr 2 14 16 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 6 2 8√
Mr. John Starkey 4 14 18 [blank] 0 1 4 [blank] 6 16 4
Mr. Rich: Wallace √ 6 14 20 [blank] 0 1 4 [blank] 7 11 4
Mr. John Backhouse 6 14 20 [blank] 0 1 4 [blank] 7 11 4√
Mr. Cors: Harnett 2 14 16 [blank] Nil Nil Nil [blank] 6 0 0√
Mr. Robert Howe 4 14 18 [blank] 0 5 4 [blank] 7 0 4√
Mr. Thos Respress 10 13 23 [blank] 0 12 0 [blank] 9 4 6√
Mr. John Barrow 10 13 23 [blank] 0 12 0 [blank] 9 4 6√
Mr. George Barrow 12 13 25 [blank] 0 13 4 [blank] 10 2 10√
Mr. Robert Palmer 10 13 23 [blank] 1 4 0 [blank] 9 16 6√
Mr. Thomas Smith 12 13 25 [blank] 0 13 4 [blank] 10 2 10√
Mr. Robert Harris 10 12 22 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 8 [torn] [torn]
Mr. Needham Bryan 10 12 22 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 8 9 6√
Mr. Saml Benton 10 12 22 [blank] [blank] 4 0 [blank] 8 9 6√
Mr. Willm Bartram 4 12 10 [blank] [blank] 2 8 [blank] 6 2 8√
Mr. Joseph Williams 4 10 14 [blank] [blank] 1 4 [blank] 5 6 4√
Mr. George Moore 2 14 16 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 5 7 8√
Mr. William Dry 2 14 16 [blank] 0 13 4 [blank] 5 18 4√
Mr. Francis Brown 16 14 30 [blank] 1 8 0 [blank] 12 13 0√
Mr. Joseph Leech 8 7 15 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 5 12 6√
Mr. Willm Haywood [torn] [torn] [torn] [blank] 0 4 8 [blank] 8 2 2√
Mr. Joseph Sykes 16 7 23 [blank] 0 9 4 [blank] 9 1 10√
Mr. Antho: Armistead 16 7 23 [blank] 0 9 4 [blank] 9 1 10√
Mr. Willm Churton 10 7 17 [blank] 0 1 4 [blank] 6 8 10√
Mr. Willm Whitfield 8 7 15 [blank] 0 1 4 [blank] 5 13 10√
Mr. Joseph Howell 14 6 21 [blank] 0 4 8 [blank] 8 3 2√
Mr. Cullen Pollock 14 14 20 [blank] 1 6 8 [blank] 8 16 8√
Mr. Samuel Swann 4 18 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 6 17 8√
£219 5 8

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