



Status: Complete

28 April 1760

North Carolina ss In the Assembly

Whereas it having been made
Appear to the House that Reuben
Searcy of Granville County having
been appointed one of the Clerks by
the Sheriff of Granville County to
take the Poll of the Voters Suffrages
at the last Election to have been for
Members for the said County behaved
in that Office or trust with great
Partiality so that the Execution of
the Writ for Electing Members for
the Sd County as aforesd was prevented
these are therefore to require and Command
you to take the body of the said Reuben
Searcy and bring him to the Barr of this House
to answer for such his ill behavour and for
your so doing this shall be your Sufficient
Sam Swann Speakr
given under my hand & seal
at New Bern the 20th day
of Aprill anno Dom 1760

To Philomen Hawkins Serjeant at
arms to Execute & return thereof
to make

You are also to Summons William Parsons, Jos: Mangum
Edmond Fanning William Hurst, William Johnson
Leonard Henley Bullock, George Martin, Absalom Wells
John Howard and William Williams
to attend this House at the same time you bring the
body of the sd Reuben Searcy. Sam Swann Speakr

10a 1

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