



Status: Complete

And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid that the justices of the Superior Courts
of pleas & Grand Sessions of this province shall within the same Conjuctively and Separately
have use ^(exercize) and enjoy the same Powers authorities Rights Privileges and Preheminences as are had
used ^([circled text] dele during pleas use [end circled text]) and enjoyed by the Justices of the Courts of Westminster in England and hold their Offices
[left margin note] Stet [end left margin note] [circled text] quamdiu se bene gesserit Stet [end circled text]

[circled text block]
And Whereas the practice heretofore used in taking fees
for the use of the Chief Justice for Business done in Court has been thought Derogatory to the
Dignity of that office which might better be supported by a Sallary adequate thereto

[left margin note] Dele [end left margin note] Be it Therefore Enacted by the authority aforeseaid That from and after the
passing of this Act the Fees which usually have & legally might have been received to the
use of the Chief Justice for Business done in Court shall be received by the Clerks of the
Superior Courts and after every Term by Them paid to the Treasurer of the District in which
the said Courts respectively shall be held and the Treasurer shall by half Yearly payments
punctually pay to the Chief Justice the Sum ^(dele) of one Thousand pounds per Annum for his Sala[torn]
[circled text within circled text block]
[left margin note] [crossed out text] Stet [end crossed out text] [end left margin note]
And whereas ^([crossed out text] stet [end crossed out text]) there ^(Dele) is not at present any ^(public) fund ^(subsisting [wherewith?] to provide) suitable Salaries for the [marked out word]
Justices of the Superior Courts of Pleas and Grand Sessions
[end circled text within circled text block]
[end circled text block]

[circled text] Dele Therefore [end circled text] ^(And) Be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid that the [crossed out word] [illegible] [end crossed out word] ^(said) Justices ^(to be appointed in [???] of this Act) for
[left margin of page] [DB?] [end left margin of page]
[left margin note] 17 [end left margin note] Their Trouble and Expense in attending Courts in their respective offices shall each of them
[left margin note] 18 [end left margin note] [circled text] be intitled to a ^(dele) salary of [circled text within circled text] Five ^(dele) [end circled text within circled text] ^(Four) hundred Pounds per Annum to be paid by the Treasurer [end circled text]
[left margin note] 19 [end left margin note] [circled text] by half Yearly Payments Dele [end circled text] and to enable the Treasurers to pay the same accordingly

[circled paragraph] dele Be it Enacted by the authority^(dele) aforesaid that all Fines Forfeited recognizances
and amercements which shall ^(hereafter) be incurred and be levied by Judgement and Process of each and
[end circled paragraph]

[vertical right margin text] 373 238 [end vertical right margin text]

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Uncertain how to transcribe the sections enclosed with the notation "dele"
Contains some words I was unable to decipher