All male persons who are twenty one (21) years of age on or before June 5, 1917, and all male persons who have not reached the age of thirty-one--31-- on or before said date, and all males persons between the ages of twenty one -21- and thirty -30-, both WHITE AND COLORED, are required under the laws of the United States and the Proclamaton of the President of the United States to register on said 5th day of June, 1917, for service in the Army. Any male person liable for registration who shall fail to register on said date will be immediately prosecuted in Federal Court under the laws of United States, and are liable to severe punishment. Also any person making, helping to make, or causing to be made a false registration There will be a Regeistrar in each Township who can give you the necessary information. There is only one day. JUNE 5th, 1917, for registering.
JUNE 5th For Registration Our country is at war with a powerful enemy. It is your patriotic duty to register. Furthermore, it is not safe to take chances with the Government at such a time. I call upon the good people in the County to aid me in seeing that every man who is liable registers on the 5th day of June, 1917 J. M. CLARK, Sheriff
LIST of REGISTRARS Abbotts, J. L. Hall Bethel, W. F. McNeill Bladenboro, F. D. McLean. Brown Marsh, T. L. Hutchinson. Central, J. O. Ellis. Colly, D. A. Marshburn. Carvers Creek, J. L. Nicholson. Cypress Creek, Angus Cromartie.
[column 2] Elizabeth, Bayard Clark. Frenches Creek, Gilead Smith Hollow, W. H. Fisher. Lake Creek, W. H. Corbett. Turnbull, B. F. Tatum. Whites Creek, Priest and Monroe. White Oak, R. I. Council.
All male persons between the ages of 21 and 30 both inclusive are required to go to the voting precinct in which they reside and register on the 5th day of June 1917. the regeistration booth will be open from 7 o'clock A. M. till 9 o'clock P. M. A heavy penalty is imposed upon those who fail to register. Inform you friends of this notice.
ThisMay 23rd, 1917
E. H. WALTON, Sheriff.
WAR REGISTRATION EVERYBODY TAKE NOTICE! Under the recent Act of Congress, every male person in the United States, between the ages of 21 and 31 years on June 5th, 1917 MUST REGISTER ON THAT DATE This applies to every race or color of people, whether native or foreign born, and the penalty for failure to register on that day is ONE YEAR IMPRISONMENT and then required to register. You can register at the voting precinct in the township where you live on June 5th, 1917. If you will not be at your home precinct on June 5th, you can register now before the Clerk Superior Court of any County where you may happen to be. Be quick so that your card may reach your home precinct by June 5th, 1917. BE PROMPT AND REGISTER, GO EARLY WAR REGISTRATION BOARD OF WILSON COUNTY
If You Are 21 Years of Age and Not 31 You Must Present Yourself For Registration [column 1] Scotland county is making rapid and ample preparation for the work of registering all male citizens between the ages of 21 and 30, inclusive, as provided in the war army bill and prescribed in the President's proclamation, naming June 5 as registration day and outlining the plan upon which the work is to be done. This proclamation will be found on another page of this paper and all are urged to read and re-read it. Also there will be found a complete list of questions which will be asked those who present themselves for registration.
Those Who Must Register. All male persons who have attained their 21st birthday and who have not attained their 31st birthday. The only exceptions are those persons in the military or naval service of the United States, which includes officers and enlisted men in the Navy, the Army, the Marine Corps, the National Guard, etc. Other than these there will be no exceptions and no exemptions from registration. If you are a man and have passed your 21st birthday and have not reached your 31st, you must present yourself at the registration booths. If, for instance you are within 3 days of your 31st birthday, or one day, as the case may be, you must register. If you are 21 years old June 5 or before that date you must regis-ter.
Penalties for Failure to Register.
"--and any person who shall willfully fail or refuse to present himself for registration or to submit thereto as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction in the district court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, and shall thereupon be duly registered." This simply means that the Government means business and there will be no evasion of the law. This is a serious business and it will be well for every one to observe it. It will be better to present yourself at the registering booth early in the morning of June 5 than to wait until the afternoon.
It is further specified that there shall be no parleying or exchanging of words with the clerks at the places of registration. Every one will have the right to ask questions, but the business must be dispatched and if any one delays the work or refuses to answer the questions put to him, or shows a sullen manner in answering same, he will be immediately turned over to the officers and sent to the courts for trial and punishment.
Place of Registration. The place of registration shall be at the customary voting precincts. You know where you go to vote. Go to the same place to register June 5. Those in Spring Hill township will register at Wagram. Those in upper Laurel Hill will register at Leggett's store. Those in lower Laurel Hill will register at Laurel Hill church. Those in
[column 2] Stewartsville No. 1 will register at Laurinburg, and those in Stewartsville No. 2 will register at Hasty, etc.
The registration booths will be opened at 7 o'clock in the morning of Tuesday, June 5, and will close at 9 o'clock in the evening. "At all events permit only one person to approach the registration table at a time." There must be no crowding about the tables and all police and state and county officers are required to see that order is kept. If you are not registered by 9 o'clock Tuesday evening, June 5, and you are an eligible, your opportunity is gone and your case will be in the hands of the United States courts. Do not fail to attend to this business promptly.
The Sick. "Persons who, on account of sickness, are unable to present themselves for registration on the day set by the President will cause some competent person to apply to the county or city clerk for a copy of the card and for authority to fill it out (including the registrar's report on the back thereof.) If satisfied that the case is bona fide, the clerk will deputize the person applying for the card to make out the card and the registrar's report, first carefully explaining the card. The card will then be mailed by the sick person, or delivered by his agent, to the registrar of the sick person's voting precinct as described for cards of absentees. The sick person will enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for a registration certificate."
Landlords and Overseers.
Landlords and Overseers are especially urged to lend their influence in having all eligible men employed about their farms or places of business duly registered on June 5. If for any reason such persons are not registered, then there is nothing for the authorities to do except take them in charge and turn them over at once to the Federal courts. These men will be required to register June 5, but in no case is it probable that they will be called into service before crops have been cultivated for this year. But if you fail to see that all are registered, you will lose them from your farms after June 5. This is very important and your co-operation in this work is asked.
Registrars for Scotland County. SPRING HILL TOWNSHIP---A. E. Shaw, chief, J. H. Jones. UPPER LAUREL HILL--R. A. Monroe. LOWER LAUREL HILL--L. E. McCall, chief, D. M. McLaurin. UPPER WILILAMSON--Jno. D. McDonald, chief, T. J. Fetzer. LOWER WILLIAMSON--W. N. McKenzie, chief, P. N. Walker. STEWARTSVILLE No. 1--T. C. Everett, Cecil Sanford, H. O. Covington, Daniel T. Blue. STEWARTSVILLE No. 2--J. S. Thompson, W. A. McKay.
[centred] W. D. McLAURIN, Sheriff Scotland County
All male persons who shall have attained their TWENTY-FIRST birthday and who shall not have attained their THIRTY-FIRST birthday, will present themselves at their respective voting place and register on Tuesday, Fifth Day June, 1917 Between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. and 9 o'clock p. m.
Registrar Will Post.