On October 5th, Mr. W. F. Snider, President of the Salisbury
Chapter American Red Cross turned over to me as acting Director of
Wonan's Work durong the illness of Mrs. E. W. Burt, all correspondence
in regard to the formation of an Influenza Emergency Committee, and on
October 7th he appointed the following Committee:
Mrs. Lyman A. Cotton, Chariman Influenza Emergency Committee,
Dr. A. J. Warren, Mr. John E. Ramsay, Mrs. Mary O. Linton,
Miss Mry F. Henderson, Mrs. E. W. Burt, Mrs. E. C. Gregory,
Mr. W. F. snider, ex-occico member,
Miss Anne Neave, Secretary.
Measures for the suppression of the disease and the allevaition of the
epidemic, then in its inciplient stages, were immediately inaugurated.
That the measures then adopted were correct in detail was plainly
demonstrated by the fact that no change at any time was necessary. A
tremendous effort was made at once to secure the services of trained
nurses. This was found to be impossible; at no time during the entire
epidemic could a single trained nurse be secured. It was fought from
start to finish by volunteers.
The first step was a call for volunteer nurses, to which
many at once responded. the first canvass of the sitution reveled
the fact tht it was necessary to supply food to the stricken families;
thereafore, Mrs. J. E. Alexander, Commandant of the Salisbury Canteen
A. R. C. was placed in charge of all good supplies. Mrs. Alexander
reveived the hearty co-operation of the ladies of the Canteen service,
and food was supplied by then through October 15th, suppli[^e]mented by
delacacies prepared by Mrs. Linton and Miss Olive. On October 14th Mrs.
Alexander asked the President, Mr. W. F. Snider, to be relieved of all
further responsibility. On October 16th the sole preparation of food,
and tth absolute necessity for which was hourly increasing, was placed in
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