be stated that in most instances families of from two to ten members
were absolutely helpless, everyone in the family ill, and not a soul
even to give a drink of water.
I have now come to the most vital department of our
Relief work, the delpartment of colunteer nursing. Of these women
and men I cannot say too much. Their unselfishness and devotion was
heroic. I place it on a par with the merciful and humane work of the
nurses of the Front. They perfomed this work with no thought of self,
and with almost no realization that they were doing anything out of
the ordinary run of the day. During the four long weeks of tje violence
of the epidemic, with very few exceptions, I visited, ajd in many cases
visited repeatedly, all of the cases needing help that were reported to
me. I therefore feel that I can spek authoritatively and I shall
ever feel grateful that should have been my privelege to come in intimate
contact with such splendid unselfishness. Not only were their motives
fine and high, but best of all their work was effective. Dr. Warren,
the County Health Officer, says frankly that he atributes the low death
rate to the effectiveness of the volunteer nurses, to the priper invalid
diet prepated, and the general efficiency of the Re d Cross work. These
women not only idd thee nursing, but in many instances cookes, brough
in wood and coal and water, and washed and ironed clothes. Many such acts
of unselfishness anre known only to me, to the patients and to God who
gave them nobility of soul. Grateful mention ust be made of Mrs. T. M.
Flowers of the Salvation Army for thenoble work in behalf of a suffering
and destitute infant. Especial mention should be made of the quickness
with which Mrs. Burt and the Surgical Dressings room provided masks by
the thousands for Saisbury, Spencer, Rowan and Stanly Counties, and the
passing troops; models were send Cabarrus County. This was in addition
to its usual monthly quota of work. The work room under the direction
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