



Status: Complete

G. A. M.
[crossed out phrase]

On behalf of the Fourth Service Command and of the
Redistribution Station Command and Staff, I extend to
you a welcome to your new station. It is our intent to make
your stay in Asheville a pleasant one.

The redistribution station has been established to study
your records and your experience so that you can be as-
signed where you can be most useful to the Army.

A certain routine for the study of your experience and
records will be necessary. You can expect this processing
to be thorough. However, it has been simplified as much as
possible in order to give you the maximum amount of com-
fort, relaxation, and leisure time.

Except for your processing you will find that you are
completely free.

But you are reminded that as soldiers you shall be ex-
pected to conduct yourselves as gentlemen. As overseas
veterans, your appearance and your conduct will be under
yet closer scrutiny, and the impressions you create on others
will be strong and lasting ones. This fact constitutes a re-
sponsibility which you should shoulder with pride--pride
in yourself, and pride in the army of which you are a part.
Accordingly, the very highest standards of military courtesy
and bearing will be expected of you at all times.

Have a good time. Enjoy your liberties. But meet your
schedules promptly, and be considerate of the comfort and
convenience of others.

F. E. UHL,
Major General, U.S. Army,

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