
United States Army Asheville Redistribution Station Booklet, circa 1944




Ping Pong, pool, billiards, checkers, chess, cards, and dominoes are available in all the hotel recreation rooms.

The Special Service Officer and his staff have prepared a complete sports program for everyday in the week from breakfast to dinner time. You can play golf at the beautiful Asheville Country Club Course. There are no fees. Clubs and balls are furnished. One of the Special Service Officers, a former Georgia State champion, will give golf instructions to help you get back on your game or to give you a right start in learning the fundamentals. There are tennis courts at the YMCA, Grove Park Inn and the College. A former national professional champion, now a GI, is the tennis instructor. Basketball, football, softball, and volleyball games are scheduled. The Athletic Officer is a former All-American athlete from Indiana University. Arrangements are being made for fishing in season in the nearby mountain streams and lakes. Riding horses are available at the stables at the Grove Park Inn. There is a nominal charge of 50c an hour for riding. There are many fine trails in the vicinity. These activities are all voluntary. If you prefer bunk fatigue, that is your privilege.

Last edit 12 months ago by frogbaby0129


Nearby lakes offer opportunity for water sports.

Last edit 12 months ago by frogbaby0129


The bridle paths lead through beautiful wooded trails.

Mountain streams and lakes near Asheville furnish good fishing.

The golf course of the Asheville Country Club and the tennis courts of Grove Park Inn are available forp lay by returnees.

Last edit 12 months ago by frogbaby0129


SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Dances arranged by the Special Service Office are held nearly every day. Watch for announcements.

Last edit 12 months ago by frogbaby0129


Dancing parties, bridge parties, and movies are being held daily. Watch your bulletin board for announcements of where and when. There are classes in bridge, photography, French, modeling and drawing at the Laurentine Canteen. There will be concerts, soldier shows, and bingo parties. The Special Service Officer will issue bulletins of detailed information. The dances will be held in the ball room of the Vanderbilt, the Enlisted Men's Club, in the Laurentine Canteen, and the YMCA. Consult one of the hostesses assigned to your hotel for schedules.

Last edit 12 months ago by frogbaby0129
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