
Ocracoke Station Official Personnel Orders




United States Coast Guard Ocracoke, N.C. C.G. Liaison Officer Navel Section Base Ocracoke, N.C. Refer to file: 783 9 September, 1943 To: Scarborough, Lester R. (593-204) Sea.1c(R) Subject: Orders: transfer. 1. Upon receipt of these orders you are detached from the CGLO,NSB. you will proceed to the CG-60031 and upon your arrival at that unit you will report to the commanding officer for assignment to duty. 2. No travel is necessary, None is authorized. 3. Departed 0830 this date. Frank K. Fletcher It. (jg) USRR (Acting) Ind-1 Commanding Officer CG-60031 Reported this unit 0845 this date. Elmer L Alban, C.B.M.

Last edit 9 months ago by guest_user



C.G. Liaison Officer Naval Section Base Ocracoke, N.C.

Refer to file;

17 Septemeber, 1943

TO: SKINNER, Billy O.E. 97009-010)

Subj: Orders; transfer.

1. Upon receipt of these orders you are detached from the CGLO, NSB. You will proceed to the CG-83312 and upon your arrival at that unit you will report to the Commanding Officer for assignment to duty.

2. No travel is necessary, none is authorized.

3, Departed 1115 this date.

Frank. K. Fletcher, Lt. (jg) USNR (Acting)

Ind-1 C.O., CG-83312 NSB, Ocracoke, N.C.

Reported this unit 1130 this date.

John J. Rashti, Ens. USCGR

Last edit 5 months ago by Brookie


C. G. Liaison Officer Naval Section Base Ocracoke, N. C.

17 September, 1943


Transfer this man as per directions as shown on these orders. Notify the yeoman at the Coast Guard Station of the time of Darer's departure. Mail this letter to the District Coast Guard Office as soon as you receive it after having signed it. Also notify the yeoman of the time of Wm. Chaney's arrival aboard the unit.

Theodore A. Bechtel, (R) By direction

Last edit 7 months ago by tarobinson


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C. G. Liaison Officer Naval Section Base Ocracoke, N. C.

Refer to file 783 531

20 September, 1943

To: DARER, Hyman (581-650) Ses.1c (R)

Subj: Orders: transfer; travel

1. In accordance with DC00/5ND/T 171620, you will proceed to Norfolk, Va. and upon your arrival at that place you will report to the District Coast Guard Officer. Fifth Naval District for further transfer to the Radio School. You will time your departure so as to report before noon 21 September, 1943.

2. You are authorized to travel at your own expense for which reimbursement will be made at the rate of 3 cents per mile.

3. The travel necessary to the execution of this order will be charged against Norfolk District's Symbol No. 05-20.

4. The travel necessary to the execution of this order is required by the public interests. Allowances for subsistence and quarters as prescribed by Article 219, Pay and Supply Instructions, are applicable in this case.

5.Depar Departed at _______ this date.

Frank K. Fletcher, Lt. (jg) USNR (Acting)

Last edit 7 months ago by tarobinson


C. G. Liaison Officer Naval Section Base Ocracoke, N. C.

Refer to file 783 531

20 September, 1943

To: KNOLLER, Marvin A. (529-673) Cox. (R) -PRESENT

Subj: Orders; transfer; travel

1. In accordance with DC00/5ND/T 181830, you will proceed to Norfolk, Va. and upon your arrival at that place you will report to the District Coast Guard Officer, Fifth Naval District for further transfer to the Radio School.

2. The travel necessary to the execution of this order will be charged against Norfolk District's Symbol No. 05-20.

3. The travel necessary to the execution of this order is required by the public interests. Allowances for subsistence and quarters as proscribed by Article 2I9. Pay and Supply Instructions, are applicable in this case.

4. Departed at 0600 this date.

Frank K. Fletcher, Lt. (jg) USMR (Acting)

Last edit 7 months ago by tarobinson
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