The State of North Carolina in Account with John Haywood Secretary to the Board of [illegible]
September To [bank?] advanced General Gregory in [illegible]]
of a Resolve of [illegible] on [illegible] favour.......... 10,000.
To Cails paid Miller Murphy on if Vouchers........ 290.
To Detto paid for her queri of Paper for the Board...48.
To Detto paid Meander Mebane Com. of Orange..200.
To Detto paid M[illegible] Mebane Com........ 400.
To Detto paid for four [illegible] of Paper for the B....240.
To Detto paid Bartholomew Bird long advance..320.
To Detto paid for Eightque of Paper for B..480.
To Detto expanded by John Taylor of the Town
of [Halthor?]. service [illegible] of the Board in buying
[Beprufin?] and furnishing the [illegible] [services?] 22c
1781 To Warranton the
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