
Tax Lists, New Bern District, 1779




page-heading: A List of Taxable Property for New Bern District containing Capt. Setgreaves Capt. Green & Capt Tyres Companys for the Year 1779

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Isaac Bryan 600 Acres of Land 1200
10 Negroes 5300
4 Horses 700
18 Cattle 180
Cash 352 7732
Wm Bryan 2370 Acres of Land &c 6950
Negroes, Horses, Cattle &c 15080 22030
Longfield Cox 1560 Acres of Land &c 3375
Negroes, Horses, Cattle &c 3680 7055
William Cox 381 Acres of Land &c 3100
Negroes, Horses, Cattle &c 4355 7455
James Stevenson 570 Acres Land &c 1250
Negroes Horses Cattle &c 8140 9390
Enoch Alexander 300 Acres Land &c 575
Negroes Horses, Cattle &c 2590 3165
Thomas [Tyer?] 1970 Acres Land &c 2375
Negroes Horses & Cattle 4766 7141
John Holloway 830 Acres &c 2350
Negroes Horses & Cattle 2040 4390
[Shadrach?] Loftin 550 Acres &c 1465
Negroes Horses & Cattle 4000 5465
Willm Heath Junr 380 Acres Land 950
Negroes, Horses & Cattle 1672 2622
John & Charles Hollingsworth}
1430 Acres Land &c} }2170
Negroes Horses &c 3874 6044
John Stevenson Horse Negroe &c 1600 1600
Danl Daughety 200 Acres 500
Negroes Horses & Cattle 1860 2360
Willm Gwaltney 1175 Acres Land 2125
Negroes Horses Cattle &c 3540 5665
John Lane 600 Acres 1000
Horses Cattle &c 792 1792
Saml West 200 &c 150
Horses Cattle &c 235 385
Richd Daughety 110 &c 500
Cash 140 640
Danl Carmack 85 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 400 900
William Lane Horses &c [blank] 222
Richd Charlton 350 Acres 800
Horses Cattle &c 400 1200
John West 800 Acres 1000
Horses Cattle &c 1780 2780
[lower left margin note] L.P.30.1
Last edit 19 days ago by powens


page-heading: List of taxables Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Amount brought over £103038
John Carmach 200 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 400 900
[Joeal?] Carmach 500
Horses Cattle &c 200 700
Nathan Watson Senr 235 Acres 700
Negroes Horses Cattle &c 1926 2626
+Fredk. Heath 90 Acres &c 1000
Horses Cattle &c 400 1400
Niam Wise 300 Acres 800
Horses Cattle &c 720 1520
Thomas Cox 100 Acres 700
Horses Cattle &c 250 950
Richd. Charlton Horses Cattle &c 600 600
John Jones 310 Acres 800
Horses Cattle &c 864 1664
William Daughety 100 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 378 878
William Allen 75 Acres &c 400
Horses Cattle &c 180 580
Benjamin Watson 200 Acres &c 500
Horse &c 150 650
Owen Daughety 140 Acres 800
Horses Cattle &c 520 1320
Thomas Heath 265 Acres 1000
Horses Cattle &c 890 1890
John Clements 50 Acres 150
Horses Cattle &c 230 380
Blake Carlton 208 Acres 1000
Horses Cattle &c 500 1500
John Lambuth a Singleman
William Jones a Singleman [leash?]
Isaac Anderson a Singleman [leash?]
Solomon Carmach 60 Acres Land 500
Horses Cattle &c 550 1050
Daniel West 320
+William Russell 100 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 654 1154
William West 250 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 550 1050
Henry Heath 360 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 410 910
Luke Russell 570 Acres 1200
Negroes Horses Cattle &c 4200 5400
Saml. Lambuth 75 Acres 500
Horses cattle &c 330 830
Last edit 19 days ago by powens


page-heading: List of Taxables Cont Vizt.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Amount Brought forward £131,154
Thomas Morris 160 Acres Land 500
Negroes Horses Cattle &c 2660 3160
+John Heath 240 Acres &c 675
Horses Cattle &c 608 1280
David West Horses Cattle &c 406
Richard Watson 185 Acres &c 500
Horses Cattle &c 500 1090
Benjn. Lambuth 175 Acres Land 500
Cash 115 501
Moses Lambuth Singleman 26
Thos. Pearce 254 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 425 925
John Chance 150 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 326 826
Richd. Heath Junr. 500
Alexander Skeen Cattle
+Richd Heath Senr. 117 Acres 610
+Willm Philips 80 Acres 500 1060
Horse and Stear 110
Richd. Teear Negro Horse &c 650
Absolom Daughety 150 Acres 500
Horses Cattle &c 150 650
Alexander Skeen 276 Land 600
Horses Cattle &c 500 1100
James Smith Horse & Cattle 150
John Smith Singleman 150
William Arnold 100 Acres 500
Horse Cattle &c 150 650
Delinquents not given in their taxable Property
+Old Mr Kent Land 1000
Cattle and Horses 500 1500
+Isaac Kemp Land 500
Cattle and Horses 200 700
+Ignatius Wadsworth Land 500
Cattle and Horses 300 800
+William Griffin Land 500
Cattle Horses &c 300 800
+William Trewhit Land 500
Cattle Horses &c 200 700
+Saml Trewhit Land 500
Cattle, Horses &c 200 700
+Levi Trewhit Land &c&c 700
+Benjamin Griffin Land &c 1000
Negroes, Horses & Cattle 3000 4000
Thomas Wilson for Self and Peter Starkey
Estate at Fort Barnwell 5000
800 Acres of Land
Negroes Horses & Cattle 8500 13500
[lower left margin note] 2
Last edit 19 days ago by powens


page-heading: List of Taxables Continued Vizt

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Amount Brought Over £168020
Hardy Bryan 510 Acres Land 3000
Negroes Cattle, Horses &c 10450 13450
James Green Senr 855 Acres 4000
Negroes Cattle Horses &c 11200 15200
Eliz Pope per Jas Greens Lease of 200 Acres 1000
Negroe & Money 845 1845
John Daly 2100 Acres Land 4900
Negroes Cattle Horses &c 13960 18860
Willm M. Herritage 1500 Acres 6180
Negroes Cattle & Horses 11870 18050
James Green Junr 1660 Acres 2000
Negroes Horses &c & Cash 10401 12401
Richd Nixson 1170 Acres 5355
Negros Horses & Cattle 13780 19135
Richd Nixson for Francis McIlwean 1170
Richd Nixson for Ebenezer Frazer 60
Samuel Slade 838 Acres 3250
Negros Horses & Cattle 4380 7630
Samuel Slade for John Slade 2000
Samuel Slade for Willis Prescoat 54
Samuel Slade for Benjamin Williams 92
Farnifold Green 2795 Acres 6030
Negroes Houses & Cattle 24070 30100
Farnifold Green for Ephraim Lanes Estate 14500
Farnifold Green for Mrs Sarah Lane 580
Farnifold Green for Sarah Graves 3580
William Brice Fonvielle 2534 Acres 6720
Negroes Horses & Cattle 16224 22944
Francis Fonvielle 2210 Acres Land 4200
Negroes Horses & Cattle 9340 13540
Francis Fonvielle for Asa Hatch 5370
Francis Fonvielle for Mary Hatch 4870
Francis Fonvielle for Ivey Hatch 5000
Frederick Fonvielle 1200 Acres 4300
Negroes Horses & Cattle 5780 10080
John Hackburn 720 Acres 2000
Negroes Horses & Cattle 1600 3600
Joseph McKinnie 685 Acres 2450
Negroes Horses & Cattle 3400 5850
George Bryan 560 Acres Land 3300
Negroes Horses & Cattle 2730 6030
Joseph Hall 1970
Ebenezer Slade 620 Acres 1000
Negroes Horses & Cattle 2000 3000
Last edit 21 days ago by powens


page-heading: A List of Taxables Continued Vizt

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Amount Brot Over £408707
William Bohannon 1327
Jonathan Allen 700
James Civil 115
David Wilson Single 108
Richard Grubbs 160
Fearnought Beasley 330
John Taylor 760
Wm Brice Fonvielle for Greaves Bright and}
Richard Fonvielle} }1625
Ann Graves 1400 Acres Land 2000
Negroes Horses & Cattle 5650 7650
Mary [Vance?] 2320
Jos Wingate Single 244
James Allen 650
Saml White 1275
Elisha Beasley 600
Eliz. Macon 1500
John Moore free Negroe 2000
Abm Taylor 100
William [Cansut?] 1000
John Pilchard
John Slade 1120
George Kennedy 470
George Kennedy for John Kennedy Estate 860 1330
Joseph Green 100
John Carlton 836
John Beesley 190
William Green 750
Ann Pearson 248
John Gooding 2300
Willis Macoy 1315
William Macoy 235 Acres Land 800
Negroes Horses Etc 1870 2670
John Pierson 1375
Aaron Dickson 441
Jonathan Merrit 500
Thomas Loftin 1260
Joshua Tilghman 500
William Sewales 1000
John White 1000
Solomon Beasley 600 Acres 1000
Negroes Horses Etc 1450 2450
Samuel Proyer 346
Isaac Callaham 50
Sim Moore (free Negroe) 175
Thomas Cale 626
Whichcoat White 360
[lower left margin note] 3
Last edit 19 days ago by powens
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