



Status: Complete

page-heading: (2)

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
John Knox for Willis Body £ 8725 S £ 654 S 7.6
John Knox for Martha Body M[oney] &c 133.18 3.6.11
Joshua Daughtry M[oney] &c £ 4 1389 103.17.6
Benj[amin] Gatling M[oney] &c 16/ 186.16 13.19.5
Henry Dawson M[oney] &c £ 19 33494 2511.2
Thomas Horn M[oney] &c £ 257.12 567.12 29.13.9½
Willis Josey 8352 626.8
Jesse Daughtry M[oney] &c £ 145.6 3297 180.0.8
Enos Daughtry W. U[nder] 50 M[oney] &c 24/ 778.4 174.18.4½
John Nasworthy M[oney] &c £ 40 8977 671.5.6
John Peele W. O[ver] 50 M[oney] &c £ 1047.2 12441.2 880.14.6
Saml. Page 2 7.10
Edmd. Peele W. U[nder] 50 M[oney] &c £ 3.3 213.3 47.9.9
Jonah Outland W. U[nder] 50 M[oney] £ 78.1 3778.1 838.7
Martha Rutland M[oney] &c £ 9.16 2739.16 204.19.9
Watson Rutland M[oney] &c £ 104.3 2509.3 182.19.8
Cherity Rutland M[oney] &c £ 4.10 4204.10 315.2.3
Blake Rutland M[oney] &c £ 24 129 8.9.6
Simon West 49 7.10
Abraham Bagett 49 7.10
Elias Hillard M[oney] &c £ 200 27730 2069.15
Tho[ma]s Rutland M[oney] &c £ 8 2693 201.11.6
[Wilson?] Rutland M[oney] &c £ 20.16 1227.6 91.0.1 1½
John Bittle 4360 327
William Bryan 2006 150.9
Meshack Rutland M[oney] &c £ 20 1659 123.8.6
William Rutland M[oney] &c £ 20.2 2849.2 212.13.7
£ 10545 9 9½

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