



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date Sept[ember] Captains Names Persons Names No of Persons
Brot over 338
19th The Same James Scrivner}
19th The Same William Moores}
19th The Same James Blair}
19th The Same Tho[ma]s McCartney}
19th The Same Thomas Smith}
19th The Same David Davis}
19th The Same Henry Davis } }11
19th The Same John Strange}
19th The Same Benjamin Scrivner}
19th The Same Benjamin Cox}
19th The Same Josiah Rouncivall}
20th The Same Peter Todd}
20th The Same John Cox}
20th The Same Joseph Todd Senr}
20th The Same Abraham Lewis}
20th The Same Joseph Cox} }8
20th The Same Jonathan Cox}
20th The Same Joseph Todd Junr}
20th The Same Henry Moore}
21st The Same [Zebulon?] Beard}
21st The Same William Wells}
21st The Same Richard Hartley}
21st The Same Laben Hartley}
21st The Same William [Aggers?]} }8
21st The Same John Hunt}
21st The Same William Miller}
21st The Same Adam Swicegood}
Carried over 365

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