Thomas Har^(r)is Des
A True Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Harris Deceased octr 1677 (and since
Found amongst the sd Bundled Records and here Entred on the Records this : 3d: of April:1680
[Column 1]
2 beds with furniture; 2 plain Beds
1 Couch bed 2:pewter basins : 4 plates : 1: Saucer
10 pewter dishes, 10:poringers 2: pewter flaggons
1 pewter pott. 1:pewter Candlestick 1:pewter beaker
1 Saltseller; 1:pewter Tankard; 1:pewter bottle
1 pewter Chamber pott; 3: brass Candlesticks
4 wooden Trays : 15: whole peeces of Earthen ware
1 Brass kittle; 2 Carpenters adses; 6: augers; 9: Chissells;
3 hammers; 2 plaines; 2 broad axes; 1: hatchett
1 Frow; 1: drawing knife ; 1: Cooper Adses; 5: files;
1 Sett for a saw; 1 paire of Iron Compasses; 2 hand Sawes
1 whip saw; 1: Cross Cutt Saw; 1:Tenant Saw
1 paire of Great Stilliards; 1: pair of Small Stilliards;
1:Spitt; 1:paire Andirons; 1:fire Shovell
1 paire of Tongues: 4: wedges; 1: Curtless; 4: Gunns;
2 Tramells; 2:Iron potts; 2 Iron Kittles;
2 paire of pothooks: 2: fleshforks 4:weeding howes
4 hiding howes; 1:Grubing howe; 1 Grind stone.
5 Chests; 3:Chaires: 1: Table and forme; 1:Couch
2 Cushins; 1:Turnd bedstead; 1: Case of knives
2 Tin panns; 1:tin Candlestick; 1: brass Skillet
2 Frying panns: 2:Iron hookes; 1:Gridiron;
[Column 2]
1: harth Iron: 1: Cleave Iron: 2: falling axes
12 Napkins; 1 table Cloath, 3: Canviss Sheets
1 paire of Course holland Sheets, 2[crossed out] ^(old) Sheets;
4 Coats; 2 butter Tubs; and one Chirne, 1:box Iron
2:heatters; 1 flatt Iron; 1 Cheese press; 1: Cheese Tub;
1 old boasting Coat: & :1:waistcoate: 3:Shirts
1 pair of Stockins; 2:paire of Shooes; a bible;
& :3: bookes: 3 Looking glasses; 4 pillowes;
1 blew Lining Jackett; 3 glass bottles: 3: Stone Juggs
1 Taylor Goose: 1:paire of Sheews: 1: old Raiser
1 old Iron Morter; A quantetie of :4 penny :Nailes
3 payles : 1: pigon; a Cradle; a Little Chaire
1 old Jack; Sundry bills and accounts due
amounting to } ^(#) 2386 +
Account of the Stock: 1: Negroe woman
13 Cowes: 4:Steers: 1:bull: 7 yearlings: 13 : Calves
3 heifers 1 Mare : 1: two yeare old horse
44 head of hoggs young and old
and 22 piggs
[full page]
per Ralph Coates Clerke of the Councell
Albemarle Precinct and River of Berkeley
Wee the Subscribers by vertue of an order of Court for appraisment of the Estate
of Thomas Harris Deceased (as Lawfull and Sworne appraisers) have accordingly
appraised as followeth (viz) Tobacco at Eight Shillings four pence Per Cent Curant May:10th
[column 1]
Account of Cattle
17 Cowes with Calves and one without a Calfe
Milck Cowes att :400: and 1 without Calfe = 350:
2 yearlings 200: & 1:3 year old Steer = 350
The Cowes names
young Starre, Grace: Blackmouth; Black Cherry; }Tobacco:
red Cherry; mopus; old Starr; old nanny; old Grace; } 7700
Blossom; young mopus; nanny; young nanny; }
Gentle; primrose; pretty face; old Blossom; Lop: Eare }
old blossom is without Calfe; 3:yearlings such the }
other :2:weaned }
Account of hoggs
9:Sowes one more not Come in at - - - 2000
18: Shoates and :19: or 20: Lesser and piggs } 0900
at 50 pound the great and forty the Lesser } 0800
Account of houses
2 Gold rings at 2000 ??? @ 4000
within doores
2 Beds and furniture at 2600
2 plaine Beds; one the Couch bed 0650
1 Bed a part whereof beeing given the boy in }
his fathers Life time : if the Court think fitt to }
bee left wholy to him }
9 pewter Dishes and two basons at 30 0540
4 plates Ditto and :1: Sawser at 20: 0080
10: poringers Ditto at 20: 200
[column 2]
To 2 Flaggons Ditto 150
1:quart pott and Candlestick Ditto: 050
1 Salt and :1: Baker Ditto 035
1 Ditto Bottle and Tankard 080
1 Ditto Chamber pott 050
3 brass Candlesticks 060
24 Trays at 10[?]:10[?] good 190
15 peeces of earthen ware } 100
some broken
To 1 brass kittle & pt Skillet 250
2 Carpenter adzes 040
6 Augers and 9 Chissells: old 130
3 hammers and 2 plaines 060
1 Broad ax: & hatchet Iron: 080
1 Frow and drawing knife 060
5 files at:20[?]: & 1 Cooper adzes ^(at) 30: 050
2 hand sawes : 1: whipsaw }
1 Crosscut Saw 1 frameing Saw} 350
1 pare Compasses & Sett 012
1 pr of great Stilliards }
&:1: paire of small } 600
1 Spitt: 1: Pr Andirons }
1 fire shovell: 1 Pr Tongues } 410
four wedges 080
3 Gunns and 1 Cutlass 1000
Carried over the Next Leafe the Remaindr of this Inventory
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