Albemarle County In }
the province of Carrolina}
By the Governor and Lords proprietors Deputies with the rest of the Honourab[le]
Councell of State, to all persons Greeting in our Lord god Everlasting
Whereas it suffitiently appeares unto us that Thomas Harriss of this County deceased left a non
=cupitive will and noe Exceccutor therein named , and William Foster of this sd County appear=
=ing before us at A Grand Councell held the 26th day of march Anno Dom 1680 pretending
A Claime as beeing married to the Rellect of the Said deceased, desireing order for Admini
=Stration on all and Every the sd Deceaseds Estate, which was Accordingly Granted, wee doe
therefore In observance of the aforesd order and punctilioes thereof of the sd Grand Councell
In his Excellency ye pallatine &c hereby Impower the sd William Foster to Administer on
all and Every the sd Deceaseds Estate Both Reall and personall of the sd Thomas Harris,
and out of the Same to Sattisfie and pay all His Just debts soe far forth as the sd Estate will
Extend or Amount unto , and A true and Just Inventory of all and Every the sd Estate
which did may or Shall Come to his hands possession or Knowledge Appraised accord
=ing to law by Capt William Craford Esqr Mr Tho: Harvey Mr George Durant Esqr and
Mr Tho: Finkley, and the sd Appraisement to Returne Into the Secrataries office with
=in three moneths After the day of the date hereof, and there of to bee Accomptable
at any time when Legally Required hee giving in Suffitient Security within one moneth
by Allexander Lillington and Caleb Callaway Esqr and himselfe for his soe doing, Given under
our hands and the Seale of the County this 29th day of March Anno Dom 1680 and in
Case of non performance that Capt William Craford bee putt In Administrator as p[er] by or=
Jno Jenkins
Anthony Slocum
Rob Holden
Will Craford
Know all men by these presents that wee william Foster Allexander Lillington
and Caleb Callaway Esqr of the County of Albemarle In the province of Carrolina
doe owe and Stand Justly Indebted unto his Excellency the pallatine and ye Rest of
the true and Absolute Lords proprietors of the province aforesd [begin crossed out]Carrolina [end crossed out] In the full
and Just Sum of two hundred pounds of Curant Sterling money of England
payable upon forfeiture of the Condition hereunto annexed to them there heirs &
Successors to the which payment well and truly to bee made and done wee binde
us and every of us Joyntly and Severally, our and Every of our heirs Exceccutors
And Administrators for the whole and in the whole firmly by these presents
In witnes whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands and Seales this 29th day
Anno Dom 1680
The Condition of this obligation is such that whereas the Above bounden william Foster
haveing Rec
eived Letters of Administration upon the Estate of thomas Harris of this
County deceased, doe and Shall well and truly performe that therein hee is Enjoyned, accord
=ing to the tenour of the sd Commission , and Shall Save and keep the Court harmles and
undempnified from all and every person and persons, that may or Shall Lay Claime too
or pretend Interest In the sd Estate of the Said Thomas Harris Deceased duely Execute
=ing and truely performing the office of An Administrator to all Intents and purposes, as
therein to him the sd William Foster is Granted that then this present obligation to
bee voide and of noe Effect, or else to Stand and bee In full force power effect
And vertue William Foster
Allexander Lillington
Caleb Callaway
Sealed Signed and Delivered In
the presence of us
John Jenkins
Robart Holden
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