



Status: Complete

The Remainder of the first Inventory of Mr Fra: [Franciss] Godfrey Estate
one mare; 1 hackney sadle; 2 . Stirup Irons, 1 bridle bitt; 1 framed house forty foot Long
20 foot wide; with a Shade on the back Side; and a porch on the front beeing all
Sawed worke, and all Ready framed 1 Mallatta boy: 1 Large grinstone; 1 Iron
Logerhead. 3 Empty hogheads: 8: Empty barrells; 1 Lattin funnell; 1 wine pearcer
6 earthen milkpans. 4 payles. 1. Large powdering Tubb with a Cover 2 meat
Trays of Sawne planck, 2 Large Eared Tubbs. 1: Large Cypress Cannoe; 3 Cubboard
Cushings, 1 peere of .22: in Gold; 6 gold Rings; 1 Silver Chaine; 2: barrells of Salt
besides ither Things; and all account of Debts by account or bill, Denyed to give
an accompt of them to us: alsoe Cattle hoggs and Sheep Denyed

Leis or Bills
[column 1]
Imprimis - - - - - [??]
Will Hall Bill for - - - 05.21
Thomas Harriss bill for - - 11 60
Lawrance Gonsallis bill for - 0343
James Long Bill - - - 0393
David Jones - - - - 0200
Richard Bently - - - 0331
William Voss Bill - - 0388
Thomas Hassold Bill - - 1171
Thomas Harloe bill - - 0606
Richard Bently - - - 0900
Daniell Camrell & Hannah Lowry bill 2700
Daniell Camrell bill assigned 0400
William Boswell bill 0450
John Tuckers bill for 4 barells Corne 0400
John Jennings bill - - 0307
John Morris bill and accompt 0126
Mr Jno Nixons Bill - - 1039
Lawrance Keiton Note - 0171

[column 2]
Henry Palin Bill - - - 0200
Wm Turners bill per Tho: Hassold 0200
Mr Thomas Eastchurch Bill - 1290
Hugh Smithick note per hassold 0200
Hugh Smithick Bill - - - 0500
Ed: Smithick note assigned per decd. Miller 830
Jno Smith bill - - - - - 0270
Mr Edwards Bill - - - - 0435
Ambross Stephens note Assigned
per Ralph Coates } - - - 0050
Robt [??insey] bill - - - - 0418
Jno Claris Bill - - - - - 0364
Mr Vall:[Vallentine] Bird Bill - 0560
Mr Abraham Kimberly bill - 0696
Mr Jno Culpeper bill - - - 3600
Mr Vallentine Bird bill - - 1650
Mr Geo: Durant Bill - - - 1442
Mr Paul Latham Bill - - - 1900

The Aforesaid Inventory was found on the Files of March Court held 1675/6 and
Exhibitted to the Grand Councell Againe; In march Court: 1680: Entred at Large
on the Records of this County May:19th 1680 with Mr Therills Deposition Thereto;
only Cattle Hoggs and Sheep &c not Incerted. Recorded per Ralph Coates Clk Coun

Albemarle Berkeley Precinct May 4th 1680
Wee The Subscribers by vertue of an order of Court for appraisment of ye Effects
of Mr Franciss Godfrey Deceased (as Lawfull and Sworne appraisers) have accordingly
Appraised what appeared: or was presented to us as followeth (viz)
Imprimis : of cattle Toba: [?] In Tobacco att 8s & 4d per Cent Current
[column 1]
one old Cow her name [Pipe?] & her Calfe 300
one Ditto Bridget 250
one Ditto : whiteface 2 heifers & 3 Calves 1300

one Ditto Damsell, one Ditto Gentle }
one Ditto motley: one Ditto Coll }
one Ditto nancy; one Ditto Crumple }
one Ditto 3 [duggs?]; one Lady }
one Ditto Virgin; one Ditto Coll Heifer } is 4400
one Ditto Bridgett heifer; and there
Calves each at 400: }

Dry Cattle
4 yearlings : 3 of them steers & 1 a heifer 0600

4 Two yeare old Ditto: 1 : of them a bull }
2 Steers and one of them a heifer } is 0850

2 old Cowes at five hundred 0500
1 Bull at 0250

5 yews 6 lambes together at a 1000

[column 2]
Houshold Goods within the house &c:
one new Ticking Feather Bed and Boulster }
1 pillow and holland pillowber; one paire }
of worne Sheets; one Shagged Red Rugg } 1000
and one Suite pentado Curtains and vallens }

one canviss Feather bed & boulster . 1 . old }
Sheet: 1 Cullored Shagd Rugg and 2 pentado } 0800
Curtaines and vallens }

one breadth Hameker & Strings 0250

one old Tickin feather bed Canvas boulster }
one new white Shagg Rugg & 2 old Sheets } 0600

pilloe & pillober ; 1 paire Course new }
holland Sheets; 1 green Shagg Rugg }
and one paire of green Curtains & } 1400
vallens }

The Remainder Carried to the otherside of the next Leafe


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Shocking to see '1 Mallatta boy' listed in the inventory next to '1 large grindstone' in the midst of other items of equipment