By The Govr [Governor] and Lords Prop.s [Proprietors] Dep:s [Deputies]
To all persons a Greeting in our Lord God everlasting Whereas W.m
Gaskin makes if Sufficiently appeare that Robert Winsley of this
County decd [deceased] making a will; and Wm Gaskin maried the relict &
Executrix of ye said Robert Winley dec'd, Appearing before us ye
Last County Court held Novemb the 6th 1690 Desired order for Ad=
=ministration of all and eny ye sd dec'd Estate, Which was accordingly
Granted, Wee doe thereby in observance to the afores.d Order of []
hereby in power the s.d W:m Gaskin to Administer on all and eny The
Estate of both reall & personall of the sdRobt. Winleys dec'd and out of
the Same to pay [???] all his Just debts soe far forth as the said
Estate which shall come to his friends possession or knowledge Appraisd
According to law to resurve into the secretarys Office and thereof
to bee Accomptable all ^(any) by me, When Legally required hee having
given in Security by [ space ] and himselfe for his soe doe
=ing Given under our hands & Seales the sixth of November 1690:
Tho: Jarvis
Tho: Harney
Francis Tomes
Wm: Wilkinson
Benja: [La??er]
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