In Y name of God amen I Adam Gambell of Glaleow in the King
dom of Scotland Going Weaks of (???) (???) of to Y fort Memory =
[???] [therefore?] [???] to almighty God [???] make ei[??] or [???] [???]-
my Grofound [???] will and [???] in [???] and forms following that
is to pay [???] and [principally?] I comend my soul into [hands?] of
Almighty God goping through Y [???] and [???] of my -
saviour [???] [???] to [have?] [???] & [???] pardon & forgivenes of al
my S[???] and my [Cody?] I [comit?] to Y Earth to [be?] [?]oesntly [???] at
the diferotion of my [Executoy?] hereafter named [???] [???]
Y [disposition?] of all such [Louporall?] Estate as in [???] pleased almighty
God to [???] on [his?] I give and [dispose?] there of follow[???] [???] [???]
that my Debts and funerall charges be paid and discharged [???]
give [due?] to John Gambell of London ten poinds [???]. [???] I give unto-
Mr. [???] Loue living in London [???] pounds [???]! [???] I give unto Mr. adam
Hia living in y [???] of Given in Y Burrough of Glasgow [???] pounds
[???]. [???] I give unto Mr. [???] [???] Living in [???] in Y kingdom
[???] [???] pounds [???] [???] I give unto Robert [Wost?] [In?] Wost & Thomas
Wost Sons^[in law], of Mr. Thomas Pollock five pounds Start. [???] I give unto
Cap^[n]. [???] Hand five pounds Start. and my sword and [???] My [rifle?] and
[???] of my Y [???] [???] I give unto my loving brother James -
Gamboll of Glasgow in Scotland [???] I leave [Coff?] Thomas Pollock and
[???] John Hand my whols & sole Executo^[rs] of this my [last] Will and [??
?]. and dos rovoake [???] & make void all former Wills & -
[???]. heretofore made [in?] [???] [rokerof?] to this my [draft?] Will and -
[???] have hereunto [???] my hand fue Weal this day of november
[???] [Dm?] 1694 [Right margin] Adam Gamboll B
signed swaled and delivered
in [???] up
H[???] Gregory
[Elias?] [Howard?]
Mich: [Lynch?] [Right margin] [Aproval?] by y [???] Honell Gregory and
[Right margin] Mich: Linch Y fourth day of Novembor [???]
[Right margin] Courts 1694 [???] Clrk-
Carolina n: and [Earth?]
of Cape Fear - [?]: By y Hon^[Eble] Y Pala[???] [Court?]
upon [???] made unto this Court that Good and [carefull?] [???]
[here?] [bosn?] made that the above written in y [???] will & [???] of [Deir?]
[Gambole] [dos?]. There [ere?] to Impower Y Executors therin [namel?] to such
in and upon his Goods and Chad[???] mighty and Creditbly [???] where=
[Left margin 55] [soaus?] in this Province to be found and an Inventory thereof to [???]
unto y Sec.^[ct] offices w/in one year after y^[&] date and of y same to
dispose, or by y said will if appointed Given under [crossed out phrase] the
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