This Indenture made the 1 Day of In the
Eighth year of the Reign of our Soverign Lady Anne by the Grace of God
Queen of Great Brittain &c Anno thre Dom 1709 Between the Honble: Coll: Thomas
Pollock of Chowan in the Province of No: Carolina Esqr: of the one part & David
Henderson of the same precinct Gent: of the other part wittneseth that the
sd Thos Pollock for and in Consideracon of the Natural love and affection wch he
hath and beareth unto his son Tho: Pollock Jun'r and for & towards the better
advancement & maintainance of the sd Tho Pollock Jun'r and for & towards the more
Certaine & quiet Stay order and disposition of the Goods and Chattles hereafter
mentioned unto Thomas Pollock Junr: and to his Exrs: admrs: and assignes for Ever to
enjoy and poses the Same & divers other good Causes & Consideracon him the sd Thomas
Pollock Senr: thereunto moving hath given granted and by these presents doth
give and grant unto the sd David Henderson under the reservacon Limitacon and
power of revokations hereafter menconed & that is to say one Negro man
named Rowman & his wife Judith Caloss: two youngest Children deido
and Molina Negro Franks Daughter London & his Wife Betty all the Cattle & hoggs
that runs at and belongs to Black Rock the Quartr: & plantation where Man
-vel liv:d to have and to hold the sd Goods and Chattles Negroes cattle & hoggs
unto the sd David Henderson his Exrs: ^(&) admrs: Intrest to & for the only Use
benefit & behoof of the Thos: Pollock Junr: his Exrs: Admrs: & Assignes forever
& to and for none other Use or Uses Intents or purposes whatsoever Never
=theless the sd David Henderson for himself his Execrs: & Admrs: do Covenant
pmise and Grant to & with the sd Tho Pollock Senr that the Sd: Thomas Pollock Senr.
and his assignes shall have the use and ocupation of all the before mentioned
Goods Chattles Negros Cattle and hoggs and shall and may have and take the
profitts and Comodities of the Same to his own use Comodities and profitt
during the time of his natural life & it is for the agreed by and between all the
parties to these presents and by them decreed to be their true Intent and mean
=ing that it shall & may be lawfull to and for the sd :Thomas Pollock Senr: at any
time hereafter at his Will and pleasure to make voyd this present Indenture
by Writing under his hand and from then thencforth this present Indenture and
Every matter & thing therein Conteind Shall Cease, determine and be absolutely
voyd and of none Effect any thing herein Contened to the Contrary hereof in any wise
notwithstanding in wittness whereof the parties to these presents Interchangably
their hands and Seals here set the day and year first above written.
Thos: Pollock [seal]
David Henderson[seal]
Sealed and delivered in
the presents of
Thos: Kirby
Edward Bonwick
Wm: Maule
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The first part actually reads "This J**ds*utrec **adsy* day of Ju the eighth year of * Reign of our Souerign [Sovereign Lady Anne by ye [the] Grace of God Queen of Great Britain +c [etc.] A**** Bond 1709 Between ye [the] Hostble Coll: Thomas Pollock of Chowan in ye [the] Province of the Carolina Esq. of ye [the] one part & David Handel** of ye [the] same precinct Cosit [?]: -- of ye [the] other part wtnesseth that the sd [said] Thos [Thomas] Pollock for and in consideration of the Natural Conc [concer] and affections: he hath and beareht unto his son Thos [Thomas] Pollock Junr and for & towards ye Cotter..." Sorry I don't have time to finish.