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No: Carolina ss. By the Honble: President & Councill
We being certified & good & Lawfull proofe has
been made that the above Written is the Last Will
& Testamt of Mrs Alice Wade Widdow A true
Copy where of is hereinto Anexed

And hath therein apoynted & made Jno Hawkins
Executor & these are to Impower the sd Jno Hawkins in
and upon all & singular the Goods & Chattells Rights &
Creditts of the sd Alice Waide to Enter & the Same into
his possession to take & a true Inventory thereof apntd
acording to law to Return into the Secretaries office wthin
one year after the date hereof And the same to Dispose
of as by the will is appoynted: Given under the Seale of
the Colony the 4th Day of July 1701 in the 13th Year of
his Majestis Reigne Witness the Honble Henderson
Walker Esqr Presidnt of the Councill & Comander in Cheife
& the Rest of the Honble Councill of State who have hereunto
sett their hands
Henderson: Walker
Samuel Swann

Franciss Tomes
W Glover

In the Name of God Amen the 7th day of March 1700
Acording to the Computation of the Church of England I Owin
Daniel of the precinct of Chowan being of perfect memory praise be
god Do make ordeine this my Last Will & Testamt in maner & forme
following first I bequeath my Soul in to the hands of allmighty god
my maker hopeing through the meritorious death & passion of Jesus
Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to Receive free pardon & for
=givness for all my Sins

I make Thomas Jones my whole Executor to all that I have in this
World and to take two of my Children wch he pleases And as for my
Son Thomas I would have Coll Tho Pollock to have him whilst
he Coms of Age: & as for my Daughtr mary to be Left with
James Harriss according to the Costom of the Country. And as
for the Sd Tho Jones to pay all my Debts & wt Remains to be
given to my Children when they Com to Age this to be my
Last Will & Testamt Revokeing all other Wills & Testaments
In wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand & Seale
Owin [his O sign] Daniel [drawn seal]

Cornelious benington
Jno J. Jones

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