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East of Kendricks Creek wth all Tenements houses Outhouses
gardens orchards and apurtenances thereunto belonging or in
any wise appertaineing and allso one other plantation Called
or knowne by the name of the Middle plantation Conteineing by
Estimation Six hundred & forty Acers with all Rights members
& apurtenances to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaineing
Except and it is here by Excepted that three acers out of the plantation
Last mentioned Adjacent to the mill be Reserved for the use of the
Said Mill any thing herein Conteined to the Contrary hereof Not=
=withstanding. And allso I Do hereby give & bequeath unto
my sd Wife one halfe of my personall Estate that I Shall be
found possessed with att the time of my Discease. the sd plantation
and the moyety of my personall Estate to & for the use of my sd Wife
for & Dureing the tearme of her Natureall Life: Provided allways
And it is hereby Intended that the sd Estate abovementiond Reale
& personall be att or before her Discease given & bequeathed
to all or any of my Children lawfully begotten on her body
and to no other Use Intent or purpose wtsoever any thing here=
=in Conteined to the Contrary thereof notwithstanding And lastly
I Do hereby Constitute & appoynt my sd Wife Mary Blount my sole
Executrix of this my last Will & Testamt In Wittness whereof I
have hereunto Interchangably Sett my hand & Seale this fourth
Day of August in the Yeare of our Lord god seventeen hundred
and one
Thomas Blounte [drawn circular seal with text inside (Sigll)]

Signed Seald & Deliverd
Precens of
Tho Green: Tho Arnold
Peter Godfrey

Albemarle Countey
In the name of god Amen aprill 7. 1701 I Benj Laker of
the precinct of pequimons being sick & Weak of Body but of
perfect & sound mind & memory blessed be allmighty god Do make
& Ordeine this my Last Will & Testamt in maner & forme following

Impr: I bequeath my Soul into the hands of Allmighty god hopeing
for Salvation thro Christ my Redeemer & my body to a Christian
Buriall to be buried att the Discretion of my Executrix hereaftr

Item: I give into Geo Blayton one book being an Exposition
upon the five books of Moses

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