Will Books

Pages That Need Review

Council Minutes, Wills, and Inventories, 1677-1701

Needs Review


Thomas Har^(r)is Des A True Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Harris Deceased octr 1677 (and since Found amongst the sd Bundled Records and here Entred on the Records this : 3d: of April:1680 [Column 1] Imprimis 2 beds with furniture; 2 plain Beds 1 Couch bed 2:pewter basins : 4 plates : 1: Saucer 10 pewter dishes, 10:poringers 2: pewter flaggons 1 pewter pott. 1:pewter Candlestick 1:pewter beaker 1 Saltseller; 1:pewter Tankard; 1:pewter bottle 1 pewter Chamber pott; 3: brass Candlesticks 4 wooden Trays : 15: whole peeces of Earthen ware 1 Brass kittle; 2 Carpenters adses; 6: augers; 9: Chissells; 3 hammers; 2 plaines; 2 broad axes; 1: hatchett 1 Frow; 1: drawing knife ; 1: Cooper Adses; 5: files; 1 Sett for a saw; 1 paire of Iron Compasses; 2 hand Sawes 1 whip saw; 1: Cross Cutt Saw; 1:Tenant Saw 1 paire of Great Stilliards; 1: pair of Small Stilliards; 1:Spitt; 1:paire Andirons; 1:fire Shovell 1 paire of Tongues: 4: wedges; 1: Curtless; 4: Gunns; 2 Tramells; 2:Iron potts; 2 Iron Kittles; 2 paire of pothooks: 2: fleshforks 4:weeding howes 4 hiding howes; 1:Grubing howe; 1 Grind stone. 5 Chests; 3:Chaires: 1: Table and forme; 1:Couch 2 Cushins; 1:Turnd bedstead; 1: Case of knives 2 Tin panns; 1:tin Candlestick; 1: brass Skillet 2 Frying panns: 2:Iron hookes; 1:Gridiron;

[Column 2] 1: harth Iron: 1: Cleave Iron: 2: falling axes 12 Napkins; 1 table Cloath, 3: Canviss Sheets 1 paire of Course holland Sheets, 2[crossed out] ^(old) Sheets; 4 Coats; 2 butter Tubs; and one Chirne, 1:box Iron 2:heatters; 1 flatt Iron; 1 Cheese press; 1: Cheese Tub; 1 old boasting Coat: & :1:waistcoate: 3:Shirts 1 pair of Stockins; 2:paire of Shooes; a bible; & :3: bookes: 3 Looking glasses; 4 pillowes; 1 blew Lining Jackett; 3 glass bottles: 3: Stone Juggs 1 Taylor Goose: 1:paire of Sheews: 1: old Raiser 1 old Iron Morter; A quantetie of :4 penny :Nailes 3 payles : 1: pigon; a Cradle; a Little Chaire 1 old Jack; Sundry bills and accounts due amounting to } ^(#) 2386 + Account of the Stock: 1: Negroe woman 13 Cowes: 4:Steers: 1:bull: 7 yearlings: 13 : Calves 3 heifers 1 Mare : 1: two yeare old horse 44 head of hoggs young and old and 22 piggs

[full page] per Ralph Coates Clerke of the Councell

Albemarle Precinct and River of Berkeley Wee the Subscribers by vertue of an order of Court for appraisment of the Estate of Thomas Harris Deceased (as Lawfull and Sworne appraisers) have accordingly appraised as followeth (viz) Tobacco at Eight Shillings four pence Per Cent Curant May:10th 1680 [column 1] Account of Cattle 17 Cowes with Calves and one without a Calfe Milck Cowes att :400: and 1 without Calfe = 350: 2 yearlings 200: & 1:3 year old Steer = 350

The Cowes names young Starre, Grace: Blackmouth; Black Cherry; }Tobacco: red Cherry; mopus; old Starr; old nanny; old Grace; } 7700 Blossom; young mopus; nanny; young nanny; } Gentle; primrose; pretty face; old Blossom; Lop: Eare } old blossom is without Calfe; 3:yearlings such the } other :2:weaned }

Account of hoggs 9:Sowes one more not Come in at - - - 2000 18: Shoates and :19: or 20: Lesser and piggs } 0900 at 50 pound the great and forty the Lesser } 0800

Account of houses 2 Gold rings at 2000 ??? @ 4000 within doores 2 Beds and furniture at 2600 2 plaine Beds; one the Couch bed 0650 1 Bed a part whereof beeing given the boy in } his fathers Life time : if the Court think fitt to } bee left wholy to him } 9 pewter Dishes and two basons at 30 0540 4 plates Ditto and :1: Sawser at 20: 0080 10: poringers Ditto at 20: 200

[column 2] To 2 Flaggons Ditto 150 1:quart pott and Candlestick Ditto: 050 1 Salt and :1: Baker Ditto 035 1 Ditto Bottle and Tankard 080 1 Ditto Chamber pott 050 3 brass Candlesticks 060 24 Trays at 10[?]:10[?] good 190 15 peeces of earthen ware } 100 some broken To 1 brass kittle & pt Skillet 250 2 Carpenter adzes 040 6 Augers and 9 Chissells: old 130 3 hammers and 2 plaines 060 1 Broad ax: & hatchet Iron: 080 1 Frow and drawing knife 060 5 files at:20[?]: & 1 Cooper adzes ^(at) 30: 050 2 hand sawes : 1: whipsaw } 1 Crosscut Saw 1 frameing Saw} 350 1 pare Compasses & Sett 012 1 pr of great Stilliards } &:1: paire of small } 600 1 Spitt: 1: Pr Andirons } 1 fire shovell: 1 Pr Tongues } 410 four wedges 080 3 Gunns and 1 Cutlass 1000

Carried over the Next Leafe the Remaindr of this Inventory


Last edit 3 months ago by HLFLYNN
Needs Review


Albemarle By desire wee here undersubscribed have Taken a True Inventory of the Estate of Mr Franciss Godfrey deceased: as it was presented unto us by Mr William Therill the 20th Day of March 1675/6 Imprimis one new Ticking Feather bed; one bolster; one pillow; and holland pillobeer one paire of almost new vests Lining Sheets; one white Blancket; one Red Shagged Rugg; one Sute of pantatos Curtins and vallens, one old Ticking feather bed; one Canviss bolster; one old Sheet; one new one; one new white Shagged Rugg One Canviss Featherbed and boulster; one old blew blancket; one old Sheet; one Cullered Shagged Rugg; three pantatos Curtins and vallens; three of Lillies Matts; one new ticking Featherbed; one [crossed out] boulster; one pillow; and one Canviss pillow; which was ordained for Will; one Canviss Straw bed, one boulster; too old Red blankets, one old Torne hammocker; one good Hammocker with Strings; one good Ticking feather bed boulster; pillow; & pillober ; one pare of Course new holland Sheets; one old hamacker one green Shagg Rugg; one paire of Green Searge Curtins and vallens one Lining Couch featherbed; and Ticking pillow, one Redblancket; one new paire of white Cotton Blanckets; one pantato Tablecloth; one paire of new Canviss Sheets; one paire of Course holland Sheets; one fine Torne holland Sheet; one new Lockeram Sheet; 3 Table Cloathes one of them Small; two fine Towells: 5 : Courser; 5 Canviss Towells 5 fine pillowbers; 4 Course pillowbers: 1:fine holland ditto; 2:Diaper Towells:17:Diaper napkins; 2:Ditto Table Cloaths; 22:Canviss Table napkins; 6:Dowles napkins; 2:Darnix Table Cloaths; one Small Lockeram bagg; one Dublet and britches: of fine broad Cloth one Suite of Cloathes Sould 2 yd 1/4 of fine Red Kersey; one Red Kersey Jacket; one Tufted holland Jacket; one Fustin Ditto; 13 yds of new Canviss; 3yds 1/4 of Lockeram; 1yd 1/2 Ditto; 3:yards Ditto; seven pound Eighteen Shillings Sterling; 1 broken Silver Spoone: one Ditto: hattband; 6 Silver Spoones; 2 Small Silver Sack boules; 3: Deham Cups:1:Silver beer boule; 8 Round glass bottles; 7:White : and Cullered Earthen ware Dishes; 1 Leamonado pott; 1. white Earthen Chamber pott; 13: Earthen plates; 2 . poringers Ditto; 1 Cheaney Cup; 1 aliblaster Salt; 1 . wainscoate Standing Cubboard; 3 Chests; 1 Desk: 1 : Large Looking glass; 1 Small box; Two Couches; 1: Large Table frame and Leafe; & 1 Small Ditto; 3 Formes; 1 Turkey Carpet; 4 Leather Chairs Large & Two Low ones; one wainscott Chaire; 2 Low bottom Ditto; 1: Iron bound Case with : 8 : pottle bottles In itt; 1 Large Earthen Cupp; 1 . warming pan: 1 Large bible and 8 other Small bookes; 3 Fixed gunns & one pistoll; 1.wicker baskett; 1:paire of Large Stilliards; 1.paire of small Ditto; and paire of Small Scales; and brass weights belonging to them; one Lattin hanging Candlestick; 1.wooden In= Strument For Table Lining; 13 great and small pewter Dishes; 1 broken pewter dish 1 qrt pewter pott; 23 pewter plates 1 Flagon; 1 Salt; 1 Earthen Salt; 1 qrt pewter pot; 2 pint pots. 2. halfe pints: 2: quarter pintes potts : 1. brass Chafeing dish; 1.brass pestle and morter; 1 Large brass Skillett; 2 brass Lamps; 2 pewter CandleSticks; 1 Lattin Candle Stick; 1 brass Ditto; 1 Choping knife 1 Small brass Skillet; 1 brass Skimer; 2 Small pewter Chamber potts; 2 Iron Kittles . 3.Iron potts; 1 . Ditto 1 with his brmmes broke; 1 Large brass kittle, 1 . Ditto about 8 gall at the smithes 2 . frying panns; 2 Iron Spitts; 2 paire of fire Tongs and fyer Shovell . 1 Lattin Dripping pann; 3 meale Sifters, 1 Large Grater 3 paires of pott hookes; 1 Stone Jug: 1 . white Earthen Bason; 2 butter Tubs; 2 Cross Cut Sawes; 2 maule kings; 4 Iron wedges; 1 Large frow; 1 . Small one 2 hammers 2 Large Augers. 2 . Small Ditto; 2 Chessells: 1 . gouger . 2 hand Sawes: 1 . Carpenters Adzes . 2 . Iron wimble Stock; 1 Coopers Adds; 3 fulling axes . 1 . hatchet; 1 Trowell; 1 Tobacco Cutting knife; 1 Sockett [bill; 1. howell?]; 1 narow Chessell . 1 . Calking Iron; 1 Iron beating pestle 1 . Three Square file; 1 Drawing knife; 1 Fisgig; 1 . pitch forke; 1 Lance; 1 hilling howe; 1 broad ax: one hand mill; one peck; 2 Chests; 1 Searge womans wascoate. 1 Tammy pettycoate; 1 . Small Goold Stone Ring 1 black Love hood; 1 black [Taffaty?] whisk with severall Childrens Things bound up in a bundle; 2 wascoates; 1 paire of Nichanees Curtains and vallens frenged; 1 Searge Sute of the Servant maids; 1 Red petticote; 1 green Say Apron The Remainder Removed over the next Leafe on the other Side of itt


Last edit about 2 years ago by elainehinch
Needs Review


The Remainder of the first Inventory of Mr Fra: [Franciss] Godfrey Estate one mare; 1 hackney sadle; 2 . Stirup Irons, 1 bridle bitt; 1 framed house forty foot Long 20 foot wide; with a Shade on the back Side; and a porch on the front beeing all Sawed worke, and all Ready framed 1 Mallatta boy: 1 Large grinstone; 1 Iron Logerhead. 3 Empty hogheads: 8: Empty barrells; 1 Lattin funnell; 1 wine pearcer 6 earthen milkpans. 4 payles. 1. Large powdering Tubb with a Cover 2 meat Trays of Sawne planck, 2 Large Eared Tubbs. 1: Large Cypress Cannoe; 3 Cubboard Cushings, 1 peere of .22: in Gold; 6 gold Rings; 1 Silver Chaine; 2: barrells of Salt besides ither Things; and all account of Debts by account or bill, Denyed to give an accompt of them to us: alsoe Cattle hoggs and Sheep Denyed

Leis or Bills [column 1] Imprimis - - - - - [??] Will Hall Bill for - - - 05.21 Thomas Harriss bill for - - 11 60 Lawrance Gonsallis bill for - 0343 James Long Bill - - - 0393 David Jones - - - - 0200 Richard Bently - - - 0331 William Voss Bill - - 0388 Thomas Hassold Bill - - 1171 Thomas Harloe bill - - 0606 Richard Bently - - - 0900 Daniell Camrell & Hannah Lowry bill 2700 Daniell Camrell bill assigned 0400 William Boswell bill 0450 John Tuckers bill for 4 barells Corne 0400 John Jennings bill - - 0307 John Morris bill and accompt 0126 Mr Jno Nixons Bill - - 1039 Lawrance Keiton Note - 0171

[column 2] Henry Palin Bill - - - 0200 Wm Turners bill per Tho: Hassold 0200 Mr Thomas Eastchurch Bill - 1290 Hugh Smithick note per hassold 0200 Hugh Smithick Bill - - - 0500 Ed: Smithick note assigned per decd. Miller 830 Jno Smith bill - - - - - 0270 Mr Edwards Bill - - - - 0435 Ambross Stephens note Assigned per Ralph Coates } - - - 0050 Robt [??insey] bill - - - - 0418 Jno Claris Bill - - - - - 0364 Mr Vall:[Vallentine] Bird Bill - 0560 Mr Abraham Kimberly bill - 0696 Mr Jno Culpeper bill - - - 3600 Mr Vallentine Bird bill - - 1650 Mr Geo: Durant Bill - - - 1442 Mr Paul Latham Bill - - - 1900

The Aforesaid Inventory was found on the Files of March Court held 1675/6 and Exhibitted to the Grand Councell Againe; In march Court: 1680: Entred at Large on the Records of this County May:19th 1680 with Mr Therills Deposition Thereto; only Cattle Hoggs and Sheep &c not Incerted. Recorded per Ralph Coates Clk Coun

Albemarle Berkeley Precinct May 4th 1680 Wee The Subscribers by vertue of an order of Court for appraisment of ye Effects of Mr Franciss Godfrey Deceased (as Lawfull and Sworne appraisers) have accordingly Appraised what appeared: or was presented to us as followeth (viz) Imprimis : of cattle Toba: [?] In Tobacco att 8s & 4d per Cent Current [column 1] one old Cow her name [Pipe?] & her Calfe 300 one Ditto Bridget 250 one Ditto : whiteface 2 heifers & 3 Calves 1300

one Ditto Damsell, one Ditto Gentle } one Ditto motley: one Ditto Coll } one Ditto nancy; one Ditto Crumple } one Ditto 3 [duggs?]; one Lady } one Ditto Virgin; one Ditto Coll Heifer } is 4400 one Ditto Bridgett heifer; and there Calves each at 400: }

Dry Cattle 4 yearlings : 3 of them steers & 1 a heifer 0600

4 Two yeare old Ditto: 1 : of them a bull } 2 Steers and one of them a heifer } is 0850

2 old Cowes at five hundred 0500 1 Bull at 0250

Sheep 5 yews 6 lambes together at a 1000

[column 2] Houshold Goods within the house &c: one new Ticking Feather Bed and Boulster } 1 pillow and holland pillowber; one paire } of worne Sheets; one Shagged Red Rugg } 1000 and one Suite pentado Curtains and vallens }

one canviss Feather bed & boulster . 1 . old } Sheet: 1 Cullored Shagd Rugg and 2 pentado } 0800 Curtaines and vallens }

one breadth Hameker & Strings 0250

one old Tickin feather bed Canvas boulster } one new white Shagg Rugg & 2 old Sheets } 0600

pilloe & pillober ; 1 paire Course new } holland Sheets; 1 green Shagg Rugg } and one paire of green Curtains & } 1400 vallens }

The Remainder Carried to the otherside of the next Leafe


Last edit about 2 years ago by elainehinch
Needs Review


One Lining Couch bed and Tickin pilloe and one paire of white Cotton Blanketts 350 One pantado Table Cloath 1 pr new Canviss Sheets : one paire Course holland Sheets } one fine Torne holland Sheet: 1 Lockrum ditto, 3 Table Cloaths. one Small ; seine } Towell & Courser Ditto : 1 Canviss Ditto: 1 fine pillowbeer holland 2 Course pillobeers } 922 2:Diaper Towells : 2 Ditto Table Cloathes. 17: Ditto Napkins 2 darnix Table Cloaths }

Two pounds three ounces hav on due prize wt[that] of plate to say 1 beer bowle 2 wine bowles} 6 spoones & 1 Drum Cupp at [??] In Troy wt[that] y ounce

seaven white and Coulered Earthen ware Dishes whereof three broken 1 Leamonado } pott 5 plates 1 Small Chamber pott all Ditto } 050 three plates more Ditto 009 [left side column] one carved Allablaster Salt 050 one wainscoate Cubboard out of Repaire 400 3 Chests: one old Desk 410 1 large Looking glass 150 1 Small box 080 2 Couches 080 1 large Table 1 Small Ditto & 3 formes 700 7 Chaires 3 broken and old 120 1 Seadg Seated Chaire & old broken wanscoate^(ditto) 030 1 Old broken Dansick & 3 bottles whole 018 1 warming pann 050 1 great bible & bookes Small & broken 168 1 gunn att 250 one voyder & 2 paire of Stilliards 390 1 pr Scales and 3 weights Brass 070 1 Tinn Sconce at 020

11 pewter Dishes great and Small } 2 Ditto Smaller } 870 1 broken Ditto: 2 Ditto Brimless } [??}55 [?] att 16: pound per pound }

1 Dozen large pewter plates at 15: 180

9 Small Ditto at 10: is [go?] 1 Salt } 1 pt pott without a Lid 2: 1/2 pints Ditto } 2 1/4 pints Ditto 2 Candle Sticks Ditto all } 269 old 2 Sawcer's one Bason melted on } one side, 2 Chamber potts all old : and } a quart pott Ditto & old poringer }

one brass morter and pestle 1 brass } Chafeing Dish; 1 large brass Skillett with } out a frame 2 brass Lampes one } of them broken; 1 Small skillet and } 372 Broken Skummer both brass one bro= ken Candlestick, brass 1 old brass Kettle }

1 Small iron pott 060

1 Choping knifes. Iron Kettle 1 Iron pott } 1 iron frying pan; 2 iron Spitts: one broke } 2 paire of fire Tonges; 1 peere of fire } Shovel; 1 Lattin Dripping pan nothing } 425 worth; 3 meale Sifters; 1 Large Grater } 2 paire pothooks; 2 butter Tubbs }

[right side column] one Crosscutt Saw 1 maul king } 2 Iron wedges; 1 Large [fr??] } one hammer; 1 Large auger; 1 Chissell } 2 hand Sawes; 1 Iron wimble Stock } 1 Cooper adzes; 1 old falling ax } 1400 1 Trowell; 1 Sockett bill; 1 howell; 1 pestle 1 Drawing knife 1 Launce } 1 pitch forke 1 mill peck 1 hand mill }

2 Chests; 1 Small goold Stone Ring ye } Ring vallewed at a:100: } 220

one Mallatta boy 4500 4 barrells (Rest nothing wont) 0100 1 wine pearcer 0001 4 pailes 0100 3 Cubboard Cushens 0010 1 meale Tray 0020

sold meare 1 3years old mare with } her: horse fole; 2 hous Colts 1 yeare} old; these beeing now in the woods } which Mr Terill Desires to bee ap= } 5000 praised; and hee will take Charge } of them; as of the Rest of the } above Estate }

Some Totall is 31384 George Durant Jno Hunt Thos Hinckley Timothy Meades

[full page] Presented In Court June ye 7th 1680 And Enterd on the Records At Large This 26th Day of November 1680 per Ralph Coates Clk Court ss before appeareth


Last edit about 2 years ago by elainehinch
Needs Review


Albemarle August 2 [?]1680 Wee the Subscriber's beeing ordered by the Grand Councell for the appraismt of the Estate of Edmund Chancey deceased, Wee doe therefore appraise The goods and Chattles as Is brought before us to the Best of our Skill and Judgment

[Column 1 ] £ s d Imprimis 1 Keirsey mantle 00 15 00 1 bodey Seargee petticote 00 15 00 1 Searge pettycoate - - 00 18 00 1 ditto [actt?] - - - - 00 12 00 1 old pettycoate and waiscoate 00 08 00 1 [R??ey] Searge wescoate - 00 12 00 1 Childe Coate and pilch - 00 02 00 1 blew pillowbeer - - - 00 00 08 1 Set of Curtaines and vallens 01 00 00 1 Set of old moth Eaten Curtain 00 05 00 10 & 1/2 yards of painted Lining 01 05 00 1 Tufted holland petticote & wascote 00 10 00 3 old Diape Napkins & Table Cloath 00 07 00 3 worne Dowles Sheets - - 00 18 00 1 worne Rugg - - - - 00 12 00 1 plaine white Rugg - - - 00 12 00 1 Silver Bodkin & Thimble - 00 06 00 1 Goold Thimble Ring - - 01 05 00 1 Large Chest - - - - 00 10 00 2 Boxes at 6s each - - - 00 12 00 1 Small Box - - - - 00 02 00 1 Small box of Drawers - - 00 02 00 4 books Small - - - - 00 10 00 1 Bed stead - - - - 02 00 00 1 Looking Glass - - - 00 10 00 1 pr of Andirons - - - 01 00 00 1 Red Rugg - - - - 00 15 00 1 bed and boulster - - 04 00 00 1 Red Blanket - - - - 00 06 00 1 warming pan - - - 00 05 00 2 pilloes - - - - 00 04 00 2 Small Smoothing Irons - 00 04 00 2 pewter plates - - - 00 13 06 24 pound In pewter Dishes at 1s : 3d per lb 01 10 00

[Column 2]

£ s d 1 Cross Cutt Saw - - 00 08 00 1 brass Chafeing dish - 00 05 00 1 Iron pott att 34 at 4 per lb 00 11 04 1 Ditto 35 att 4 per pound 00 11 08 2 paire of pott hooks - 00 04 00 1 Negro woman Named Rose 30 00 00 1 cart att - - - 01 00 00 1 Grinstone & Iron worke 01 00 00 1 brass Lamp & bras CandleStick } and Snuflers } 00 12 00 1 pr old Stilliards without a pea 00 02 00 1 pen [mall?] - - 00 04 00 1 Sett of wedges & old Iron 02 10 00 1 Iron pestle - - - 00 05 00 1 Copper Kittle - - 05 00 00 1 Coutch - - - - 01 00 00 1 Bedstead - - - 00 02 00 1 pr of Brass Scales - 00 05 00 1 Chest att - - - 00 10 00 3 old Sifter : 1 : old pale 00 05 00 6 milk panns - - 00 05 00 60 : head of Cattle young & old 60 00 00 6 Sowes att - - 04 10 00 11 [Shotes?] at - 03 15 00 1 black Stone horse 10 00 00 1 Meare and fole - 18 00 00 Since ye appraismt ye mare died 1 Auger at - - 00 02 00 To 1 paire Truck wheels 00 10 00 To A plantation and housen 40 00 00 £ s d Sum Totall 226 = 13 = 08 Saml: Daviss Wm Nevell Jno Die [his mark] Signum More (vizt) 135 of old horsen omitted

[full page width] I The Subscriber do ee present In humble Mannor to the Grand Councell This as a True Inventory of the Estate of Edmund Chancey of the County Lately Deceased The Debts of the Estate I humbly Crave Leave to the Next Sessions of ye Grand Councell for presentment of them, and that to this Inventory Creditt they may bee Annexed November 8th 1680 I present this Inventory as Execcutrix of my husband lately Deceased vallentine Bird, who was whole Trustee of Edmund Chancey Will Margaret Bird The pettitionary part allowed for the Bringing In of the Debts Robert Holden Secratary Entered on Record this 29th day of November 1680


Last edit about 2 years ago by elainehinch
Needs Review


Albemarle August 2 [??] 1680 Wee the Subscribers, being Ordered By the Grand Councell for the appraismt of of ye Estate of Cpt Vallentine Bird Deceased wee doe In order hereunto ap= praise the sd Goods and Chattles as is brought before us to the Best of our Skill and Judgment

[money values headed ] £ s d Column 1 Imprimis 3 pr fine holland Sheets } at 50 Shillings per paire } 07 / 10 / 00 3 pr of Course Ditto [Sheets] att 30s per [pr?] 04 / 10 / 00 1 Ditto [Sheet] per Course at 01 / 05 / 00 2 pr halfe worne [Ditto] Sheets 15s : pr 01 / 10 / 00 3 browne Orsenbrigg Sheets at 5s 00 / 15 / 00 1 per of worne Sheets 00 / 08 / 00 11 pillowbers at 2s:6d 01 / 07 / 06 6 Ditto [pillowbers] at 2s:6d 00 / 15 / 00 4 Cubboard Cloathes 00 / 16 / 00 1 fine Holland Cubbord Cloth 00 / 08 / 00 1 Dozn and 9 Diaper napkins 01 / 18 / 00 3 Table Clothes 00 / 18 / 00 6 Course Table Clothes 01 / 10 / 00 2 dozn & 4 Course Napkins 01 / 10 / 00 16 Course Towells 01 / 10 / 00 1 fine holland Towell 00 / 05 / 00 1 Tankard and 1 Dozen Silver Spoones 13 / 07 / 04 1 Sett Curtaines vallens & Counterpane 01 / 10 / 00 1 Sett of old Curtains and vallens 00 / 10 / 00 1 fringed Shoulder belt 00 / 10 / 00 1 gray Shagd Rugg 00 / 10 / 00 1 green Shagd: Rugg 01 / 00 / 00 1 Shagd Rugg 01 / 05 / 00 1 Ditto [Shagd Rugg] att 01 / 02 / 00 1 Dark Cullered Rugg Shagd 01 / 00 / 00 1 Large Black Trunck 00 / 15 / 00 1 Smaller Ditto [Trunck] with Drawers 00 / 15 / 00 1 Small Chest 00 / 10 / 00 1 Iron bound Chest 01 / 00 / 00 1 Iron bound Ditto [Chest] 1 new Feather and boulster 06 / 00 / 00 1 Feather bed and Boulster 04 / 00 / 00 1 Hammacker 00 / 18 / 00 1 bed boulster and pilloe 05 / 10 / 00 1 bed boulster Coverlet & pillow 04 / 10 / 00 1 Looking glass 00 / 05 / 00 1 glass case 00 / 10 / 00 1 Dressing box 01 / 00 / 00 1 warming Pann 00 / 10 / 00 1 bedstead 00 / 08 / 00 one percell of books 06 / 00 / 00 2 hatt Brushes 00 / 01 / 06 23 Round and Square Bottles 00 / 12 / 00 15 yds of Keirsey 01 / 17 / 06 11 pr plain Shoes at 3s per pr 01 / 13 / 00 1 Black walnut table & frame 01 / 00 / 00 10 Chaires 02 / 10 / 00 1 Couch at 01 / 00 / 00

Column 2 1 Table and frame 00 / 13/ 04 1 Table Cloth 00 / 06 / 08 1 Striped carpet 00 / 05 / 00 1 whipsaw 01 / 00 / 00 1 bedstead and Cradle 00 / 10 / 00 1 fowling piece 01 / 10 / 00 1 musket and fowling peece 01 / 15 / 00 2 Smoothing Irons at 00 / 10 / 00 1 paire of Stilliards and pea 00 / 08 / 00 1 Dozen pewter plates 01 / 10 / 00 1 Dozn Ditto [pewter plates] 01 / 04 / 00 19 pewter poring [??] at 01 / 08 / 06 6 Small Salts 00 / 06 / 00 2 pewter Candlesticks 00 / 05 / 00 3 Sawsers at 00 / 04 / 06 [51?] [lb?] pewter dishes at [1s:3d?] per [lb?] 03 / 03 / 09 4 pewter Basons 01 / 12 / 00 3 old pewter plates 00 / 05 / 00 2 Large brass Candlesticks 01 / 10 / 00 A parcell of Tining ware 02 / 00 / 00 2 pewter Chamber potts 00 / 08 / 00 1 pewter Tankard 00 / 03 / 00 1 paire Tonguet & fire Shovell 00 / 0-5 / 00 1 brass Kittle: 32 pound at 02 / 00 / 00 3 Skillets at 18 Shillings 00 / 18 / 00 1 bellmettle morter and pestle 00 / 10 / 00 1 posnet at 00 / 04 / 00 1 brass Scummer and ladle 00 / 05 / 00 1 frying pann at 00 / 06 / 00 2 Spitts 00 / 10 / 00 1 paire andirons 00 / 15 / 00 3 paire pothooks 00 / 06 / 00 1 paire Racks 00 / 03 / 00 1 Iron pott 10[??] 50 lb at 4d per lb 00 / 16 / 08 1 Ditto [iron pot] [10??] 33 lb at [4d?] per lb 00 / 11 / 00 2 Dittoes [iron pots] 10[?] 33 lb at 4d per ib 00 / 11 / 00 1 Lignum vitee punch bowle 00 / 15 / 00 1 Lignum vite morter 00 / 02 / 06 1 flesh forke 00 / 01 / 00 1 Cradel 00 / 05 / 00 Negroes nero; (viz) Mingo at 40 / 00 / 00 Andrew and Thom; at 35 £ Sterling } 70 / 00 / 00 per each} women: Negroes Hanna; Betty; } Betty; & Bess at 30 £ Sterling each} 120 / 00 / 00 Mary ye Indian 20 / 00 / 00 Negro boy mustapha 20 / 00 / 00 1 small Ditto [negro boy] named Robin at 15 / 00 / 00 1 small negro Girle named Jane 15 / 00 / 00 1 Negro Child George 10 / 00 / 00

The Remainder carried over on the other Side


Last edit about 2 years ago by elainehinch
Needs Review


Brought from the Other Side

[column headings ] £ s d

[column 1 ] 1 Woman Servant Named Ann } Farmer of 4 yeares to Serve} 08 / 00 / 00 1 hand Mill 06 / 00 / 00 1 Sett of wedges 00 / 10 / 00 7 weeding howes at 1s : 6d per 00 / 10 / 06 8 hilling howes at 00 / 07 / 00 2 old Axes at 00 / 02 / 00 1 Spade att 00 / 06 / 00 1 Trowell at 2s : 6d 00 / 02 / 06 1 bread ax at 00 / 04 / 00 1 hand Saw at 00 / 02 / 00 1 lathing hamer at 00 / 01 / 06 1 Cooper's Adzes & [Rist?] 00 / 03 / 00

[column 2 ] 22 Sheep at 10s per 11 / 00 / 00 plantation and housen 80 / 00 / 00 12 old Sowes 09 / 00 / 00 30 [Shotes?] 07 / 10 / 00 6 barrowes & 1 boare 05 / 05 / 00 12 Cowes and Calves at 30s 18 / 00 / 00 6 : 2 yeare old beasts 06 / 00 / 00

Total is £583 - 01s - 03d Sammuell Daviss Wm Nevell Jno [his mark] Die Signum Tobacco [??]

By 2000 pounds of Tobacco } Due from Capt Zacha Gillam &c } 2000

I The Subscriber Doe present In humble Mannor this as A True Inventory of the Estate of Capt Bird of this County Late Deceased I beeing his Exceccutrix The Debts of ye Estate beeing Drawne up I forgott to Bring them; which I humbly Crave Leave to the Next Sessions of ye Grand Councell; for presentmt of them and that to this Inventory Creditor they may bee annexed; November 8th 1680 Margaret Bird The pettitionarie [??] Allowed for ye Bringing In of the Debts Robt Holden Secretary


Last edit about 2 years ago by elainehinch
Needs Review


1694 Wills

Albemarle Feb ye 18th 1693 In ye name of God amen I John Harison be ing now my ful memory doth bequeath my Soul to God & body to be buried in The Earth where my freinds pleaseth And for my temporall effects I bequeath to my Son Willm Harrison one hundred acres of land on ye west side of my plantacon more to ye sd Son one small pewter dish I doe give to my Son John Harrison fifty acres of land joyning upon his brother William more to ye sd John Harrison one Cow & heifer more to sd John one [moshel?] if ye sd John Harrison Goeth to ye age of 17 yeares he is to be at his liberty I give to my daughter Elizabeth one ten year old heifer I give to my Son Thomas one Cow calfe for ye remain of my estate I doe make my dear loving wife my Sole Executrix I doe owne this to be my last will & testamt given from under my hand & Seal ye day & date above menconed

John [his ^ marke] Harison

Sealed & Signd presents of us Geo. Fordice, John [his I M mark] Watkins Wm [his mark] Harison

Att acount. Holden for ye ps[???] of Chowan ye first Monday in April 1694 ye above written will was moved by ye oaths of Geo. Fordice John Watkins. Hendson Walker Clerk.

Albem[ar]le ss By the Honble ye Deputy Governor & Councell We being Certified that good & lawfull proofe hath been made the above written is the last Will and testamt of John Harrison late of this County deceased where of he hath appointed his wife [crossed out] full Exexutrix We doe hereby Authorise & impower his sd Wife Mary Harrison to upon all & singular ye personal estate goods Chattells and Creditts of the Sd John Harrison wherever in this Govermt to be found and the Same into her possession to take & thereof to dispose as by the sd Will is appointed Given under our hands & The Seal of the County Ye 12 day of July Ano Dmi 1694 Benj Laker Thomas Harry Dan.l Akenwell Seal: Tho.Pollock Francis Tomas

[double line across page]

In ye name of God amen ye 6th of May 1693. In ye name of God amen that I John Croslen of Albemarl being at this present Sick & weak in body but yet of s[ound] and perfect mind & memory praysed be to Almighty God and considering with my s[illegible] of this life and ye certainty of death all tho ye time & hour thereof be altogether uncertaine And to ye intent to be ye better prepared & setled in minde wherefore it shall please ye Lord to take me out of the transitory life And doe therefore [illegible] Gods permission make & declare this my present testamt wherein contained my last will in maner & forme following that is to say first and principallity I com[itt] ing my selfe unto ye hand of Almighty God my maker hopeing and trusting and through his mercys & ye pretious mercys of Jesus Christ his Son my only Saviour & redeemer to be Saved and to have free pardon of all my sins and [ever] lasting life my Kingdom of heaven and my body comitt to ye earth from w[hence] it came to be buried in decent maner according as to ye good discretion of my ex= ecutor here after named Shall seem fitt. And as touching all such Goods Chat[ells] Leases & personal estate which it hath pleased ye Lord to please imdue me with all that to me or Shall belong or appertaine at ye time of my decease I do will give & dispose of ye Same as followeth viz first I doe will and [begin crossed out] bequeath[end crossed out] give to my God daughter Constant Stiver one black two yeares Heifer [E??] the Cow called Gellion ^(her increase) and five unto my God daughter Constant halfe of plantacon ^([??] day of Maricia) and the other halfe to my loving wife during [crossed out] her life And af ter her decease then to fall to my God daughter Constant Stiver and her [missing edge] But without Issue then to Anne Stiver & if An dies without Issue then falls to[missing edge] next which is haner & her heires for ever. Item I give unto An Stiver one [missing edge] year old Heifer & her increase that come of ye Cow called lovely Item I Give [missing edge] Haner Stiver one two year old Heifor that cone of the Cow called Ramp & [missing edge] [Exerease?] And after my deceaseI desire my father Rich Stiver to record [missing page]


Last edit over 1 year ago by elainehinch
Needs Review



heifers and look after then for ye Good of his daughters Item I give unto my father Rich Stiver my gun Item I give unto Johaner Stiver the black wastcot. Item I give to my loveing wife ye remainer of my estate [crossed out] paying my debts & to her heirs & doe make her my hole Executrix And I doe ordain & appoint it this to Stand & abide for & as my last will & testament & soe to be compleated In witness whereof I ye sd John Croften have to this my present last will & testamt. sett my hand & Seal first above written.

John [his I mark] Croslen

Signed Sealed in ye presence of us [??tes] Jone [his mark] Bresot, Arthure Carleton. Cotten [his mark] Cotles

Chowan present Att a court holden ye first munday in April 1694 The will was proved by the oaths of Arthure Carleton & Jone Bresett Nathaniel Chevin Clerk

Albemarle By the Hon.ble ye Deputy Govern. and Councell We being certifyed that good and lawfull proofe hath been made that ye above written is ye last Will and Testamt of John Crosland late of this County deceased and that the Executrix therein appointed is deceased Execution of the sd Will being not done. We doe hereby Authorise and appoint the above named Richard Stiver Adm.tor of all and Singular the goods Chattells and Creditts of the sd John Crosland hereby impowering him the sd Rich Stiver the same into his possession to take and thereof to dispose as by the Will is appointed Given under our hands and Seal of the County the 12th day of July Ano Dni. 1694 Tho. Pollock Tho Harvey Benj. Laker Francis Tomes

Danl. Akehurst Secr.

Albemarle County in ye province of Carolina ye 10th day of September 1693 that ye last will & testmt of John Johnson of ye precinct of Pequimins of the sd County being at this present of perfect & sound minde & memory and in reaso= nable health of body but yet considering ye uncertainty of the time when and ye certainty that we must and this transitory life doe therefore appoint this my last will & testamt in maner & forme following first making void by this all former will or wills by me made or caused to be made. My guns & all my working tools I give to my son in law Laurence Gunsalvo It[Item] I doe alsoe give to my sd Son in law Laurence Gunsalvo too horses ye one being a darke bay horse branded with ye letters L:G:upon ye near Buttock & ye other horse being a light grey branded with ye letter O. upon ye near buttock. It[Item] I doe give all ye rest of my estate both land & chattells lying in ye sd County of Albemarle to my loveing wife Sarah Johnson and my sd Son in law Laurence Gonsalvo to be equally devided between them to them & to their heires for ever Item my will is that in case my a bove sd wife Shall marry before my above sd Son in law Shall come to ye age of twenty one yeares Then my desire is that forthwith upon her soe marrying he the sd Laurence Gonsalvo Shall be possessed so ^(of his part of) land and all ye chattells above giv= en to him, any thing above sd notwithstanding in case [??] my sd wife shall soe marry as above sd then my will is [??] my son in law Lawrence Gonsalvo Shall have my new feather bed & furniture in kinde to goe into his prt of ye remaining Cha tells above given betwixt him ye sd Gonsalvo and my wife his mother [???] I doe appoint my loving wife Sarah Johnson my whole & sole Executrix of this my sd will [??] I doe appoint and by way of request desire my trusty freinds Caleb Cullaway & James Hoy overseers of this my will to se it duly fulfilled as above sd And to ye performance of the above [permiser?] I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal ye day above written John Johnson

Signed Sealed & delivered in presens of Tho Leper Tho Houghton John [Porter?]

Proved in Court by the oaths of Tho Lepper and Tho. Horton At a court holden for ye present of Perquimons ye 9th of Aprill 1694 John Stepney Clerk 44

Albemarle ss By ye Honble ye Depty Govern & Councell We being certifyed that Good and Carefull proofe hath been made that ye above written

Last edit over 1 year ago by elainehinch
Needs Review


1694 Wills & Administracons

written is ye last will and testmt of John Johnson late of this County deceas where by Sarah John Relt. [Relict] of ye Said John Johnson is appointed Executrix these are to au= thorise & impower ye sd Sarah Johnson to [??] in and upon all and singular ye goods Chattells & Creditts of the sd John Johnson wherever in this Governmt to be found and the Same to dispose of as by the sd Will is appointed Given under our hands and Seal of the County ye 12th day of July Ano Dm 1694 Benj Lakar Tho.Harvey Tho. Pollock Francis Tomes

Danl. Akehurst Secrt.

Albemarle By ye Rt Honble ye Governor & honble Councel Whereas by certificate from ye Court of ye Precinct of Chowan it ap peareth to us that Wm Stuart of ye sd precinct is dead intestate and that Anne Stuart his wife being nearest of kin desireth administracon of ye goods and chattells of ye sd wm Stuart These are to impower ye sd Anne Stuart to administer in & upon all & every ye Goods Chattells & personall estate of the said wm Stuart wherever in this Govermt. to be found and the same into her custody & possession to take and all ye just debts of the deceased to pay as far as the sd estate will extend or amount to And a true Inventory of the sd [??] apprised according to law to returne to ye Secrety's office and the same to be countable for whensoever thereto She shall be lawfully called Shee having given Security for the true performance hereof Given under our hands and the Seal of the County ye 5th day of Aprill Ano Dni 1694

Danl. Akehurst Secret.

Philip [Ludwe??] Wm Wilkison Tho. Harvy Tho. Pollock Benj. Lakar

A list of Debts which was contracted by Rich Halliol belonging to Adam Winthrop esqr and the rest of the Company taken by us ye 5th day of May Ano Dni 1694

[left column] £:s:d John Morgin 00:00:10 Isaack Roroden 01:09:10 Wm Bartley 00:02:04 Edw. Mayo 00:08:00 Mathias Towler 07:00:00 Robt. Molines 03:11:02 Jacob Peterson 01:00:09 Turlo Feckee 00:05:00 Patrick Bayley 00:17:07 John Wilson 00:05:09 Charles Taylor 00:01:03 Mr Duckenfeild 00:06:03 John Northcoate 00:03:11 Rich Plater 01:09:05 An [Durant?] 00:11:00 Macm. Southell 00:09:00 Wm Wilkison 01:10:00 John [Halson?] 00:15:05 Robt Cock 00:01:001/2 Stephen Munden 00:03:06

[right column] £:s:d [pence column illegible] Charles Jones 00:07:0? Thomas Sherwood 00:17:0? John Bournsby junr 00:09:0? Rich Madrim 00:10:? Francis Foster 01:06:?? Robt. White 00:01:?? Wm Steell 00:10:?? John Cabbige 00:04:?? Anthony Marscom 00:19:?? John Eldan 02:12:?? Mr Geo. Muschamp 10:10:?? Jacob Devilliard 00:05:?? Stephen Munday 02:01:?? Thomas Steel 00:01:?? John Toomy 06:01:?? Mr. Camball 00:06:?? Mr. Duckenfield 04:14:?? Wm [Ton??] Senr 00:09:?? Wm Sawyer00:15:?? Stephen [Vincont?] 00:00:??

Last edit over 1 year ago by elainehinch
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