
Letter from Lillian Exum Clement to Elias Eller Stafford, January 11, 1921


Needs Review


[pstmrk 11 Jan. 1921] State of North Carolina House of Representatives Raleigh,

Eller Dear: I am glad you went up to see the folks, and hope you will do so often.

We have had rain and snow here, and it is much colder to-day. I like it so.

Mr. Roberts and Mr. Pennell are here, but I only got to say "Good morning".

I met Mr. Powell, the man for your paper.

I went to see an Osteopath yesterday about my arm. He said he didn't think any of the bones were broken.

I would tell you some things but am afraid you might mention them, and I don't want anyone to say "a woman must talk.

We are all getting our pictures taken for a block picture. He took three

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Needs Review


views of me, but you know I can't take a good picture.

The town is getting ready for a big day tomorrow.

I would like it here if I could only get to feeling fine again.

Now Eller dear, please don't ever mention Congress to me. I thought I had impressed that fully on you. If you want me, you will have to take me as I am. If not, then I will take up some other line of work, and believe me it is going to be something very different from any politics. I am going to do something that will build up my nervous system and not tear it down. I wish you would not encourage Papa, but please help me to get any such idea out of his head.

Judge Jones was in to see me this morning, and I saw J.C. Martin but did not speak to him.

I am not sure I will stay at the Yarbrough. Fifty dollars a month is more than I care to pay.

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Needs Review


[pstmrk 11 Jan. 1921] State of North Carolina House of Representatives Raleigh,

Baxter Durham is the only man I have met that doesn't speak to me. But he doesn't stand very high here.

Mr. Everett says there is a bachelor over in the Senate he has selected for me. Called us both "high-borns".

Several of the men have invited me to go home with them for week ends, but I hardly expect to take any chances on the train, at least until I feel stronger.

I dreamed of being home last night, and it made me homesick. I went for a walk last evening, by myself. I like to get away from the crowd. There was a beautifu sunset up toward Asheville.

I don't want people to expect too much of me. There is little I can do alone. If I blaze the trail for other women to come in, until there is enough to do something

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then I feel I have done my duty. If Mis Rankin had gotten out, and not had to be defeated, she would have left a better impression in the people. These women here realize fully just how hard it is to get anything done.

I believe the State salary increase will be killed, or at least lowered.

I miss you darling, and wish we were through down here, but the time will pass, as everything must surely do.

I enjoy your letters so much and hope you will write often.

I wonder if Winkie will be afraid of me when I come home.

Good by precious, [next?] time to begin bisiness.

Lovingly yours, Ex

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Needs Review


ate of North Carolina House of Representatives Raleigh

f not called for in days, return to Exum Clement

Mr. E.E. Stafford %Asheville Citizen Asheville N.C.

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