
John B. Exum, Jr Correspondence, March 1919




[1] [Text on left hand side] American Y.M.C.A. [Text on right hand side] ON ACTIVE SERVICE WITH THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE

March 1919 Chamess on France.

Dear mother:-

In my last letter I wrote you that the eighty first division was going to pass in review before Gen. Perehing and the King and Queen of Belgium. It was all pulled off very stuntingly. The 306 Am. TV. acted as a guard of honour. It was our duty to to keep the crowding throug back of certain limits. We were constantly push -

Last edit 4 months ago by family8675309


[2] [text on left hand side] American Y.M.C.A. [Text on right hand side] ON ACTIVE SERVICE WITH THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 191 ing them back. and reminding them that they were over bounds. As the anxious folks peered at the Queen over the shoulders of who-ever chanced to be in front they would gradually push each other over bounds. Then we would start towards them with our rifles and at the top of our voice of a rough pitch we would hollow "Alley! Alley!" With a downcast and dis heartened frown they would scramble back.

Last edit 8 months ago by Carolebar


[3] [text on right hand side] AMERICAN Y.M.C.A [text on left hand side] ON ACTIVE SERVICE WITH THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 191 I accomplished a glimpse at the Queen. From what I saw I would judge that she is tall, slender, fairly good looking and about thirty five years of age.

As yesterday was Sunday we had a very good dinner. We had steak, mashed potatoes, peaches and cream and hot chocolate. This is what I ate. I think we also had beans and soup but as I was sure of getting enough

Last edit 8 months ago by Carolebar


[4] [text on left hand side] AMERICAN Y.M.C.A. [text on right hand side] ON ACTIVE SERVICE WITH THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 191 of each of these any time I passed the up for Sunday dinner.

Enclosed I am sending a French dollar or franc that you may see what fancy money they have. It's value is twenty cents.

Write to me real often.

Your loving son,


Last edit 8 months ago by Carolebar


[1] [text on left hand side] AMERICAN Y.M.C.A. [text on right hand side] ON ACTIVE SERVICE WITH THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE March, 14, 1919 Chamesson France

Dear mother :-

I did not go on the convoy that I wrote you I was going on. Some one else was sent in my place. The boys that went have not returned yet. I guess they are having a real nice time for we have had some real pretty days in the last week and a half.

Last edit 8 months ago by Carolebar
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