



Status: Complete

wound stripes, borrowed money from
everybody including nurses and never
returned it, cheated at cards, etc.
He didn't know where he went
from there but that he came home.
I don't want to judge Malloon harshly
but the doctor is a man of standing
in the community and I don't
think would retail nasty gossip.
Lieut Chapman came home in
May 1918 , and I 've never heard of
him since I was transfered to the 103d
M.G. Bn the 28th of April '18 so never
got to kow him well.
Bowan didn't go back into the
Postal service and has been
clerking in several retail stores
around town. In the few times I've
seen him he's impressed me as
feeling that somebody owed him a
living and didn't appreciate the fact
Bunner is the father of another
girl, had had a promotion at
the bank he's with. Just the same
old Fred - I see him quite often

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