



Status: Complete


home during the first year after the
war is over and 50% of the total
here now would go to the Pacific
and those used as occupational
troops would be granted long
furlough to Paris and England.
I can't see why they have to
start into detail as to who
will go where and when. In
most cases the plans never
work out and the whole write
up is more demoralizing than
uplifting. You never know
what will happen in the army
and probably those that expect
to leave last will arrive home
first. But regardless of all the
bum articles I'm still hoping
to be with you and the boy this
year. Don't let my blowing of
steam discourage you because
I'm really not. I just can't
see the point in voicing estimated
figures and contemplated plans
when they are on the discouraging

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