



Status: Complete


that I drink too much juice.

The U.S.O. show was very good this afternoon,
I was buisy frying steaks and couldnt go, I could
hear the music while I was working even if
I couldn't see the stage. I've seen my share
of shows this week though, the circus a few days ago &
Jack Benny yesterday, in person - that was
very good.

I've been wanting to send Pattie something
for a long time, yesterday one of the fellows with
the special service got me a real nice doll, I
have it all packed-up in a wooden box, hope
to get it mailed tomorrow. Its a large doll with
dark hair, white coat, hands, shoes, eyes open & [crossed out word]
say's ma-ma - quite pretty, I tried to get one
with blond hair but guess its best that its
dark, that won't get dirty as soon. I'm sending
Clift a German bayonet ^(???), Evelyn is out in the
cold again, maby I'll find something in the
future though!

I'm very glad to hear that Mrs Fink is doing so well.
tell her to keep-up the good work and best wishes

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