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Animal welfare, a challenge

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of forms of ill-usage of animals, occuring in connection with

Food. Slaughter of millions. Breeding for slaughter. Breeding for meat-bearing, involving degradation in intelligence and distortion in bodily form.

Clothing. Furs ; involving torture by trapping of vast majority, and breeding for killing of remainder. Feathers ; often obtained by suffering. Hand and foot wear ; the greater part supplied by bye-products of food, but some, e.g., reptile-skin shoes and garments, by killing, and sometimes breeding, creatures which would otherwise go unmolested.

Industry. Employment under unsuitable conditions, e.g., horses and ponies in mines, sale of cast horses for work or butchery overseas, overworking and over-loading, close and constant chaining of watch-dogs, use of cats as scarecrows.

Companionship. Destruction or abandonment of unwanted dogs and cats: Caging of wild birds. Cage-breeding.

Amusement. Hunting and shooting. Breeding for shooting. Extermination of "big game." Mis-use or wild animals for spectacular films. Menagerie, circus and performing animals generally.

Instruction. Public and private collections of caged animals.

Physiology. Animals used for experiments (vivisection).

Medicine. (As Physiology). Animals used in preparation of serums and vaccines. Test animals for drugs and poisons.

War. Animals used in campaigns. Animals used in "poison gas" experiments.



36, Gordon Square, London, W.C.1. [sentence crossed out]


Last edit about 2 years ago by mtfioti

1/10 acre farm, tomato club booklet

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them, and it was so unhandy to stake them.

I did not have any trouble with the insects, but when the plants begame to bloom, they would wilt and die with the blight Miss Bradford came down to see my plot, and advised me to spray them and plant beans or something else. But before I could get my lime most all of them had died so I just pulled all the deads ones up and planted beans, but they did not come up very well.

When the tomatoes that were left began to get ripe I picked out the nicest ones and sold what I could of them, and kept the rest of them for home use. I used the nicest tomatoes in canning and the small rotten-specked ones I fed to the hogs and chickens.

As my beans did not come up very well I did not raise but about two pecks.

Last edit about 2 years ago by mtfioti
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The cost of work on my plat amounted to $1.25, fertilizer .90 both together = $2.15 profit on one tenth of acre was $4.10.

The Tomato Club work has helped me to know more about canning and saving fruit. Then I have the small profit of $4.10 which payed for the new school books which I had to have this year. I shall try another year in the Club hoping to have better success next year as I am not discouraged yet.

Lillian Stallings, Jackson Springs, N.C.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Sdoupe

1912 girl's club, tomato club booklet

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nice. On June the 20 I had one little tomato. And [crossed out] June [/crossed out] June the 22 Papa plowed my garden and I hoed it in July my plants begain [began] to die I lost a lot of my plants by the wilt and blight and I could do nothing for the disease. On July the 5 Papa plowed my garden and I hoed it. July the 6 I staked my plants I had my first ripe fruit Aug the 1 and I had a lot of trouble in canning at first untill [until] I had a little more experience in the work. I enjoyed the meeting. and our agent visited me through ought [throughout] the season I enjoyed talking with her and our club members I think is nice and I hope all the girls will make a success in this work it is a good thing for the girls and our county I did all I could to make this work a success not only for myself but for others and our county, during the seasons

Last edit over 2 years ago by mtfioti
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we had large meetings and I hope all the girls who has been in this work is thankfull [thankful] that they took this work not only for themselfs [themselves] but for the county. We had our pictures made three times. it is nice to see so many girls together who is working to make this a success for themselfes [themselves] and Catawba County

Last edit over 2 years ago by mtfioti

1912 girl's club, tomato club booklet by Biddie Wagner

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Hickory, N.C. R.L.D.2.B.127. Oct 3. 1912

Dear friends

As I am a member of the St Stephen Tomato club I will try to write a few lines telling you how I enjoyed my work this season. I did enjoy my work fine and I was at three club meetings I certainly did enjoy going to them fine. The first one was at Hickory second at Mr. Ekard third at Mr. John Robison I had a nice time at all of them


Last edit almost 3 years ago by Sdoupe
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Begining of work

Mar the 14 1912

Preparing and Sowing Seeds Mar - 14 time 15 minutes. Sowing April 10 time 15 min. Transplanting April 25 time 35 min. Seccond [?] - _ _ _ _ May 10 time 60 min. Third _ _ _ _ _ May 21 time 60 min. This was transplanting to Cold frame.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Sdoupe
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My ground was plowed April 26 time 45 minutes it was turned 7 in deep. Halling manure 190 min. Manure weighed 300 lbs one ton and a half.

Fertilizer 16 lbs cost 2.40 for 200 lbs.

Cotton Seed meal [illegible][crossed out] 5 lbs cost 140 for 100 lbs.

Last edit about 2 years ago by mtfioti
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I saw my first blosm bud May 28. Preparing and transplanting to the tenth of acer 90 min this May 28 _ _ May 29 - 40 min. Time preparing the ground 25 min May 28. Plowing June 5 - 17 min _ _ _ _ 10 - 6 _ _ _ _ _ 12 - 6 _ _ _ _ _ 27 - 12 _ _ _ July 13 - 16 _

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Sdoupe
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Hoed May 31 time 17 min _ June 5 _ 20 min _ _ _ 27 [cross out] _ 1.30 [cross out] _ _ _ _ 19 _ 16 min _ _ _ 27 _ 1.30 _ _ July 13 _ 90 _ Pruned them June 25 time 77 min. Staked them June 27 time 2.20 - min. Staked July 12 time 9 hours.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Sdoupe
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