


Status: Complete


17th 3m/o
The weather is very moderate for the 3rd month
The Coasters are fitting their vessels to go again with very little prospect of business. Business is as dull as ever, & no prospect of much alteration.

A Cold NE storm commence in the morning and continued through the day, toward night the wind increased to a heavy Gale, in the evening the rain ceased, and a Snow storm set in, in the morning
the Snow was two inches deep, and the weather cold and boisterous, with a strong wind at NE.

The depression in business continues throughout the United States among all classes - Many of the first men in business cannot pay their debts. Some have failed in almost all the comercical [COMMERCIAL] places throughout the States.

Last evening, Clear & very pleasant
This morning a Cold SE Snow storm
Snow several inches in depth.
10 o'clock changed to Rain
at 10 o'clock it began to thunder & lightening
at 11 o'clock PM there a Clap very hard, it seemed so near that there was hardly a doubt but it struck some near in the town.

This morning it was found that Chs. [CHARLES] Barnard's house was slightly injured in many parts from the top of the Chimney to Cellar. The most remarkable part was that 11 persons were in the house, & no one hurt. The wall, and window was torned with a foot where a child laid, without injury.

31. 3
This morning a gentle wind at North and very pleasant.
Almost unsuspected, at 4 o'clock PM, There was a violent squall of wind & rain, & soon changing to snow, The wind for some time blew tremdously [TREMENDOUSLY], & the snow fell remarkably fast
The sudden changes of the weather is very uncommon, it often changes 2 or 3 times in 24 hours.

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