The Coelenteratas are animals with sac like bodies;
among the lowest are the Hydra, which have no alimentary
canal except a mere sac in the interior with an
opening at the top which serves as a mouth. Around
this opening are tentacles, projecting like arms whose
purpose it is to seize the food and convey it into the
mouth opening. The most interesting thing about
this animal is, that it produces young by budding.
This process of reproduction is rare among animals.
In this group are also found the jellyfishes, the
larger of which are animal colonies rather than
individuals; in these colonies of animals there are
various types of members, which have there own work
to perform. Some contain nettle-cells for protection, others
are nutritive polyps, others are egg bearing polyps,
others serve to propell the colony etc. In this same
group are also the sea-anemones and the corals; in
the case of the coral, the linny(?) which we commonly
call coral is merrily(?) a deposit from the animal,
by means of which all cling together in one colony.
In the red-coral used for jewelry the animals live
upon the limy stalk; in the brain-coral the animals
live within this limy deposit. The coral animal
itself is a tiny jelly like animal, with a sac like alimentary
canal and tentacles surrounding the mouth.
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