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Vermes (Worms)

The worms are divided into three princip
groupes, flatworms, thread worms, and
segmented worms. The chief of the flatworms
os the tapeworm.

The tapeworm inhabits the small
intestines of various animals; and in human
beings sometimes reaches to a length of thirty
feet; but in other animals it is known to reach
still longer. They have no eyes, no ears, nor mouth;
they take in food by absorbing it through the
walls or skin of its body. It is one of the lowest
and most degenerate of any living creature;
it depends entirely on its host for life, if the host
dies it must die also. Two hooks at one end
of the tapeworm; fasten it to the sides of the
alimentary canal.

The tapeworm is made up of numerous
segments, each of which contain a quantity of
eggs. The segments at the lower end, keep
falling off and are then capable of moving
about and produce a number of new worms.
They usually in breaking off pass out and mix
with the soil, or lodge in the grass; an animal
eating the grass takes the eggs into the stomach,
the eggs under the influence of the stomach
and intestine juices, hatches into a worm.

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