1767 | depositions against alleged criminal baker | FRENCH

November 9, 1767. depositions again Jacques Toussains Baude, who was accused in 1765 of "putting a man, who was consumed, into a bakery oven where he was employed, and later stabbing to death a man in [the] street in Havana, also charged with shooting to death a Grenadier in a Marseille brothel" (WPA abstract). The peope interrogated on the subject of the character of the accused "tends to show Baude was a bad character" (WPA abstract). What does it mean to have a "bad character" in this context? What are the exact words the notary uses to record testimony about Jacques Toussains Baude's "character"?

Help transcribe and translate this record to learn more.


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No. [??]03.

Informations faits par nous Louis [piato?] de Launay [...] Mr Le procureur General [...] du Roy de [m?n] [...] de [...] Coul[??] Jacques [...] Civile[z] des [...] de Mr. Foucault

Last edit over 5 years ago by taralibrarian
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Last edit over 5 years ago by rorymdavis
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Last edit over 5 years ago by rorymdavis
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quatrieme. Delaunay publique

Last edit over 4 years ago by JeffersonH
Not Started


Last edit over 5 years ago by nolajazzmuseum
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