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ra en la Real Tesoreria, cuya Certifi
cacion se agregara ã este Expediente; y
la ultima al Ayudante D.n Josef Cruzat,
como Gefe de la Ronda, para si, el
Escrivano, y demas individuos de su comitiva;
y los comprehendidos q.e se recono
ciere no tener facultades para satisfacer
la expresada multa, como tambien los
dos negros Juan Bautista, y Pedro, esclavos
de D.n Pedro Visoso, que no pueden
pagarla por su condicion servil, sufrirán
la pena de prision en la Carzel por el
tiempo que previene la Real Pragmatica
de seis de Octubre de mil, setecientos,
setenta, y uno, quedando todos ellos
apercividos de que se les duplicará en caso
de reinsidencia:y tasense las Costas

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This page explains that they people accused of gambling who are known not to have money (los comprehendidos q.e se reconociere no tener facultades para satisfacer la expresada multa), including two people enslaved by Pedro Viroso who are called Juan Bautista and Pedro here, are ordered to spend time in jail.

The scribe tells us that the duration of their jail time is specified in the Real Pragmatica of 1771, which I was surprised to find online! This legal guide to legislating (punishing?) gambling was printed in Madrid in 1771, and today it is digitized and available to download here through the Hathi Trust Digital Library: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009268096.

On page A4, it says that "Los transgresores que jueguen, y no tuvieren bienes en que hacer efectivas las penas pecuniarias, que quedan referidas, estén por la primera vez diez días en la Carcel… / The transgressors who gamble, and who do not have the goods with which to make effective the pecuniary punishments, as described here, are for the first time ten days in Jail…"