


Status: Needs Review

is doing on the street. So I was curious because when I
was his graduate student, John Glenn was orbiting the earth.
So I said, “Dr. Bailey, how does this compare to Lindenberg?”
“No comparison,” he said. “Lindbergh’s impact was so much
greater because he had done it all himself.” Now everybody
was really wild about John and I was one of them and John’s
one of my best friends. He said people in this country really
came unglued because here was a poor farm boy from Minnesota
who had got his own idea, helped design his own airplane and
got himself over there. I said, “Well, John’s a good
friend of mine” and he started asking questions. He said, “Is
he very manful?” I said it’s hard to say, I was in class
with him. “Well, that’s where they get the cowards,” he said.
That’s what the writers say, I read that in Time magazine
once. I don’t know where John fits into this, but they said
what that astronaut test was, which was primarily a psychological
test, they wanted to make sure that a guy was calm and cool
under pressure and didn’t sit there and look at all those
dials and wait for the red lights to come on. He didn’t worry
about it until they came on. Maybe there's something to it.
But on the other hand, this fellow that was here to talk to
us, Colonel Wegener, we were talking about imagination and
courage. He works with those groups of his and he has to
be very astute about what kind of personalities he takes to
be on that hit squad. He said we can’t have those unimaginative
clods on the border patrol squad. He said we’ve got to have


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