



Status: Complete

Your name W.R. Chalcraft

Did you by any chance keep a diary of what happened to
you that day? Include any impressions from it.

Were any of your friends killed or wounded either during
landing or during that day?

Do you remember any conversations you had with them before
they became casualities?

Were you wounded? No

Do you remember what it was like--that is, do you remember
whether you felt pain or were so surprised that you
felt nothing?

Do you remember seeing or hearing anything that seems funny
now, even though it may not have seeemed funny at time?

Do you recall any incident, sad or heroic or simply memorable,
which struck you more than anything else?

Did you encounter any enemy aircraft or flak? Was your
aircraft damaged?
There was considerable flak over the target,
however it was a very routine trip for us, with
no enemy fighters sighted and our main attention
being concentrated on watching and for our own
aircraft and gliders in the dark. Of course on our return
home at dawn we could see the concentration of ships of the
land and sea invasion force in the English Channel.

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