Cornelius Ryan WWII papers, box 006, folder 06: Carroll Alexander Ashby



Page 6

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(inserted) 29th Div (end of inserted)

April 23, 1953

Dear Lieutenant Ashby:

Thank you very much for your letter of April 7th in which you express a will- ingness to help us in the preparation of Mr. Ryan's book about D-Day. As your source of information probably stated, Mr. Ryan hopes to interview as many of the people who reply to our plea for information as possible. However, since he is now in Europe and since the size of the project makes it necessary for us to keep a fairly complete file on each individual who offers to help, we wonder if you would be willing to complete the enclosed record and return it to me at your earliest convenience. We are very grateful for your interest in the D-Day book. Without such inter- est the book could not be at all. We look forward to hearing from you again.

Sincerely yours,

Frances Ward Research Department

First Lieutenant Carroll A. Ashby USAR Center Number 8 102 South Wayne Street Washington & Lee Shopping Center Arlington 4, Virginia

Last edit over 2 years ago by Johnmeps
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