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Status: Complete

Belt 9 - Page 1

In the company headquarter's plane were Captain Movey, the jump master, Bill Neubert,
Christ Malatach, Nicholas Cortez, George Yochum, Robert Noody, Calvin Wright, Julius
Hauk, Bill Keyes and Andrew Jelleseed, Lloyd Rassmusen, George VanCott, Victor Tampkin,
Harvey Morehead, Harry Ostrander and Edwin Brenan. The second pilot and the crew
chief passed out a box of candy and cigarettes. The box was emptied in one round.
In that flimsy light you couldn't make out whether a man took one or two pieces but
how generous men are in their consideration of others at a time like this. The ciga-
rettes came in especially handy because it was almost impossible to get into one's
pockets under the mountain of gear each man wore. Before the jump nobody plans on
this and anyway a man depends on somebody else to have his cigarettes handy and his
will do. By 11:30 a discreet hullabaloo subsided into sheepish grins. Even the
unbeatable funny men team of Yochum and Neubert had nothing to say. Heads dropped.
Men dozed off. Some thought there must have been a quantity of sleeping potion
in the air sickness pills which they'd taken when they came on board. It was
practically all Fox Company that just couldn't stay awake. It was just as well.
Jacobs was the only one wide awake in the plane. He vomited into a pail throughout
the entire trip. In wiping his mouth with his sleeve he rubbed off some of the
blackening and he looked like a man who had given himself a crazy fourth dimensional
shave. The only evidence of life was the constant droning of the engines, the
occasional squeak of a chair or rattling of maps in the navigator's compartment.
This seemed very detached from the tight little flying work in which slept sixteen

"The Guernsey and Jersey Islands sped by below. At 12:45, June 6th, the
crew chief shook the men awake and told Captain Movey that they'd be over France
in twenty minutes. He removed the door and went back to the nose of the plane to
don a chute. The men started to life still on the groggy side. Those near the

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