Page 17


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3 revisions
Johnmeps at May 12, 2022 07:10 PM

Page 17

Vernon Augustine Thompson Belt 2 - 7 A

Ryan: What was the most stupid [crossed out] you [end crossed out] thing you saw that day

Thompson: (can't make out)

Ryan. Well now, let me ask you this - I have to ask you this because we have to --
get this from everybody - do you agree to letting me have full rights to this
and you understand that it maybe used in a dramatic representation and also that we
may have to make editorial changes

Thompson: Oh yes - I knew that

Ryan: Do you fully agree

Thompson: Yes, I did

Ryan: Thanks very much

Thompson: There's one other thing that was quite interesting - before let's see - it was the
day before we were scheduled to go on the 7th - [crossed out] there were [end crossed out][inserted] we had [end inserted] quite a few coxwains
that were on the PT boats
in charge of landing craft and a bomb - a plane came over and bombed us at the hotel
and killed pretty near all the coxwains that [inserted] were going... [end inserted] were in this hotel

Ryan: When was that

Thompson: That was the day before the one I don't know postponement

Ryan: That was June 4

Thompson: Yeah - early morning - and

Ryan: Do you remember - where abouts were you when this happened

Thompson: Oh I was up - you see we had one base over there but then we hadn't enough room
and they had hotels and hous[crossed out] ing [end crossed out][inserted] es [end inserted]for the boys to stay in but I was on the base and
I remember going down there and shortly after we had found out about it - I went down
in fact all that was in this particular hotel

Ryan: How did you know that there were... that this is where the coxwains went

Page 17

Vernon Augustine Thompson Belt 2 - 7 A

Ryan: What was the most stupid [crossed out] you [end crossed out] thing you saw that day

Thompson: (can't make out)

Ryan. Well now, let me ask you this - I have to ask you this because we have to --
get this from everybody - do you agree to letting me have full rights to this
and you understand that it maybe used in a dramatic representation and also that we
may have to make editorial changes

Thompson: Oh yes - I knew that

Ryan: Do you fully agree

Thompson: Yes, I did

Ryan: Thanks very much

Thompson: There's one other thing that was quite interesting - before let's see - it was the
day before we were scheduled to go on the 7th - [crossed out] there were [end crossed out][inserted] we had [end inserted] quite a few coxwains
that were on the PT boats
in charge of landing craft and a bomb - a plane came over and bombed us at the hotel
and killed pretty near all the coxwains that [inserted] were going... [end inserted] were in this hotel

Ryan: When was that

Thompson: That was the day before the one I don't know postponement

Ryan: That was June 4

Thompson: Yeah - early morning - and

Ryan: Do you remember - where abouts were you when this happened

Thompson: Oh I was up - you see we had one base over there but then we hadn't enough room
and they had hotels and hous[crossed out] ing [end crossed out][inserted] es [end inserted]for the boys to stay in but I was on the base and
I remember going down there and shortly after we had found out about it - I went down
in fact all that was in this particular hotel

Ryan: How did you know that there were... that this is where the coxwains went