Page 7




Status: Complete

E Gold

Marine Denis Lovell was 21 1/2 on D-Day. Their objective was Point 72, a hill
overlooking Port-en Bessin.

The parent ship was "Princess Josephine Charlotte" a Belgian ship carrying
the whole of the 47 Royal Marine Commando.

The night before a Scotsman "Jock" Hargreaves "Haggis" was told "look at those
spots, you've got measles!" "The hell I have!" He did everything to hide
the spots but without avail. "How is it done?" This is a bright way to do it!"

They had an option on the weapons they wanted. Rifle, Bren, Tommy. "Whats best
to carry?"

There were about 150-200 in the Point 72 operation and they were landed in
6 LCS.

2 jeeps, one wireless and one for the CO. Neither got ashore. The Wireless
Crew were: Corporal Joe Burt; Marine George Andrews; Marine G. "Jock" Hargrove
and Marine Arthur P. Frew and Lovell. All except Frew were in the LCS.

At the final briefing they were told that they were to avoid contact with the
enemy and head for Point 72. It was made to sound "dead easy". He said to
Andrews: "It all sounds dead easy -- we'll be back in Southampton by the end
of the week".

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