Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134



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II (65-134)

Last edit about 4 years ago by Sandy_G
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Last edit about 4 years ago by Sandy_G
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65 Oct. 77 $20 Zeitlin + Ver Brugge Los Angeles Jacobus de Voragine (1230-1298) Dat [?dnytoche?] Passionail [Legenda Aurea in Low German] Cologne: Ludwig von Renchen [inserted] 1484-1505] I. 21 July 1485. Nov 30 June 30 II. 31 Oct 1485. June 24 Nov 29 Ref: Goff J171 BMC I 266 Schr 4321 Polain (B) 2223. Cop: HEHL (-), NYPL. II Mary Magdalena - July 22 XXVI folio 252 leaves, 3-251, tumbied iij- ccli in pt. I and iij-cclij (omitting xcvii) in pt. II. 2 columns Pt. 1 43 lines 198x131 mm Types 238, title; 158 Leadirys; 93a text. [?Spaces?] with many guide letters left fn capitals. With 4 woodcut capitals + many woodcuts. Type 235- large Church Type - in use 1485, 6 + 92 158- med. " " - in use 1484+86 93a semi cursive German text Type - in use 1484+6 2 forms of D. The Roman Missal, signed + dated ' sext. Nonas Februarij,' 1483 in the earliest book known from Ludwig von Renchen's press; he was still at work in 1515, but after 1487 only dated books in 1489 + 1492. The Schwabacher itself is found at least as early as 1484 when it was used by Ludwig von Renchen at Cologne in his Seelenthoot- in the 90's it became very popular - features - closed a, looped b, d, h + l + tailed f + long s - Many of the wood cuts used by Ludwig von Renchen belonged to Knoblochtzer of Strassburg. The beginning of the liturgical year has not always been fixed on the same day. From the 9th C comes the earliest Gospel List that begins the year with the 1st Sunday of Advent. the 4th Sunday preceding Christmas. This practice became common only after the year 1000 + has since been the custom to the present day.

Last edit over 4 years ago by wilsone5
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The Golden Legend was a rich source of inspirations to Romantic + Germanic literature, both sacred + profane. The naive credulity of the work + its wholly unhistorical approach, later around the Reformation with an apt weapon for use in its campaign against the worship of Saints. Legenda sanctorum- Readings about the Saints. Iacopo's collection collection became a favorite with medieval readers who called it Legenda aurea, the Golden Legend.

Ludwig von Renchen - nothing is known of his life, save his home is found in about 12 books printed at Cologne in the year 1483-92. HEHL 99079 Vol. 2 -in dialects Saxoniae inferioris -2 col. 42 - rubricated in red, woodcuts not colored- about 200. Maria magdalena xxvi verso to folio xxxi recto July 22 contains -"eyn exempel" (2) - etzlighe saghendat (1) before- Alexius July 17 Initial M- very close to after- Apollinaria July 23 begins- Johas baptiste June 24 towards the end - Sent Regina my leaf marked d4 (of 6)

Last edit about 4 years ago by Sandy_G
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66 Oct. 77 $20 Zeitlin + Ver Brugge Los Angeles Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514.) Liber chronicarum Augsburg: Johann Schonsperger [inserted] (1481-1520) [end inserted], I Feb. 1497 folio Latin edition Ref: Goff S 308 BMC II 370 Hain C.R. 14509 Polain (B) 3470 Cop: Stan UL, HEHL Pn 1786 -cccviii (KA 14975) -JJiij (of 6) 366 leaves Fo. ii-cccxxxviii. [inserted] (28-365 numbered) [end inserted] 2 columns 51 lines + headline, 224 (232) x 135 mn. Types 300, titles; 150, headlines + headings: 87 text. Woodcuts. The headlines give the 'aetates mumdi' as far as 321 a. wood occ. from 1495 to 1500. Apparently the same in face as Quent ed (Cologne) 280- with a similar [inserted] ad [end inserted] mixture of Lombard Capitals 87 text- German + Latin text type, used from 1494 onwords. Heavy with uppper [inserted] serif overhanging + lower serif curled [end inserted] Schoensperger is 1st extent dated book is a German Regimen sanitatis printed, Sept 1481; he continued to print into the 16th C.

Printed form Kiburger's 1493 Nuremberg edition. Johann Schoensperger may be noted among the more prolific printers of illustrated books, but most of his illustrations were based on work previously issued by other printers (e.g. his German Herbarius of 22nd August 1485, based on Schoeffer's Mainz edition of March 1485, and numerous works following in the wake of the Augsburg printers, Baemler and Sorg). His use of the stencil in the colours of his botanical woodcuts in the Herbarius contrasts with Ratdolt's method of colour-printing.2

Owing to the greater handiness of size + to the considerably lower price due to the reduction of costs, these printed editions were in much greater demand than the original. Section begins folium CCXCV ggi De Sarmacia regione Europe. Before Septima etas mundi + Ultima etan mundi Colophon- folium CCCXXXVIII- Q5

Last edit over 2 years ago by Maria the Elder
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