469 Dr. Eichenberger Bein Wil Ain See Aug. '97 SF.55=$37.41 Plautus, Titus Maccius ([born] at Sarsina in Umbria, d. 184 B.C.) Comoediae (Comm: Joannes Petrus Valla + Bernardinus Saracenus)
** Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, [inserted] 2nd Press [end inserted] 17 Sept. 1499. folio Ref: Goff P-784 HC 13082 Polain 3198 Oates 2100 Pr 5412 BMC V 523 Haebler, Plate 109, type 18,23. Copy: HEHL, LC, Folg SL (42 liner text, 58-59 l. comm.) 348 leaves. 6a: 58 lines + headline, 238 (242)x 162 mm Capital spaces [with] guide letters. Catchwords. Types: 112 Rb (P23) regular text type, [with] single Qu and small capitals 107 R* (P19) text type, [with] separate Q title, text on 1b 80(82) Rb (P18) commentary type [with] single [Qu]. In use 1496-1500 80 Gk: neat, regular type, mostly [with] plentiful accents 8 breathings. In use 1495-99. MVSTELLARIA Act V Scene 1 - After completing his last book at Vicenza on 20 Nov 1491, Bevilaqua printed at least 5 books at Venice in 1492. His output thence-foreward was constant. - lst ed.[with] the commentaries of Valla + Saracenus. The comm. of Saracenus which surrounds the text is dedicated to "Francisco Marcello pontifici Tragurino" (Tran in Dalmatia). The commentary of Valla is printed as a special part without the texts of Plautus. Valla seems to have incorporated in his
** See #190 #426
commentary material left by his father, Georgius, who is spoken of (2a) as recently dead. On f VII VO, there are 25 interesting Roman coiner's marks cut in wood. - Although the comedies of Plautus may not have been held in great esteem in the early 16th C there is abundant testimony of their popularity from his own time down to the time of Diocletian & later he was imitated by many writers including Shakespeare, in his Comedy of Errors, Molière & Dryden. - { Theuropides - a merchant of Athens. { Philolaches - son of Theuropides. { Tranio - servant of Philolaches. HEHL # 105163 rub. in red only my leaf (just past middle of book) Mvstellaria p7 (of 8). - begins o3 (of 8) ends p8 (of 8) before - Bacchides after - Menaechini book / ends [with] Truculentus opens [with] Amphitryo commentationes - Johannis Petri Vallae placentini in Mostelariam interpretatio {begins on f2 (of 8) {ends on f4 (of 8)
Plutarchus (c. 46 - after 120 A.D.) Vitae par all elae (translated by various hands) Venice: Bartholomaeus de Zanis, 8 June 1496. f' Ref: Goff P.834 HC 13130 Oates 2083 Essling 595 Sander 5782 P 5335 BMC V 432 Haebler, plate 103, Type 2. Polain 4664 IGI 7924 Copy: HEH, LC, PML, YU
Pt. I a^8s10 Pt. II A-S^8 2901 ewes 2-146 numbered 1-145 (Pt. I), 147-290 numbered 1-144 (Pt. II) Pt. I 4^a: 62 lines + headline. 246 (250) x 158 mm Woodcut capitals. Woodcut border on 2^a Type: 80 R^2(P^2) Separate Q ? short tail. In use throughout. A close reprint of Ragazzo's 1491 ed.
VITA 75 Kiii DIONIS An attractive ed. of Plutarch's Liva, I a fine l[?] woodcut of Theseus fighting the Minotaur at the beginning of Part I; its block was 1st used in Giovanni RAgazzo's 1491 ed. of the same book. (bk. I: Theseis - Sertorius) (bk II: Cimon-Homer, life of Charlemagne by Donateus Acciolus - Translated from Greek into Latin by Lapus Florentius, Leondardus Aretinus, Guainus Veronenus Leonardus Justinian & others. -> Statesman of Syracuse