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Ohio University Record, Meeting October l,1907.

October 1,1907,11 o'clock,A.M.

The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University met pursuant to a notice
from the Secretary to each member of the Board,under date of September 28,
1907,a copy of which notice is as follows:

"Special University Board meeting next Tuesday morning,eleven o'clock,
Governor's Office,Columbus,at Governor's request".

Roll-call showed the following members present: Benson,Blackstone,Boyd,
Coultrap,Davidson,Douglas,Duff,Ellis ,Fenton,Foraker,Hamblin,Jones,Kinnison,
Leue,Lowry,O'Bleness,Welch and Whiley.

Major Welch responded to the call of the chair and stated to object of
the meeting which was,in a general way,the consideration of the location of
the power house of the Central Heating Plant in relation to an alleged right
of way claimed by the Trustees of the Athens State Hospital along,adjacent
and adjoining the location of said power house.

Mr.Packard,Architect,discussed the matter fully,following which upon
motion duly made,seconded and unanimously adopted the Board recessed until
1 o'clock P.M.


October 1,1907,1 o'clock,P.M.

The Board met pursuant to recess.

Roll-call showed the following members present: Benson,Blackstone,Boyd,
Leue,Lowry,O'Bleness,Welch and Whiley.

The Trustees of the Sthens State Hospital met in conjunction with the
Board during this session.

The following resolution was offered by Mr.Douglas,who moved its adoption
which motion was seconded by Mr.Davidson.

"WHEREAS,certain differences have arisen between this Board and the Board
of Trustees of the Athens State Hospital,at Athens,Ohio,relative to the lo-
cation of the building now in process of construction,by this Board,over a n
alleged right of way,claimed by said Trustees of said State Hospital along
and adjoining the right of way of the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Rail-
way Company;

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