1. Monocotyledonous, Dicotyledonous or Fern type.: Monocotyledonous.
2. Inflorescence: Solitary.
3. Flowers
a. Perfect or Imperfect. Why ?: per has stamens and pistils.
b. Complete or Incomplete. Why?: Comp All parts present.
c. Regular or Irregular. Why: Reg. parts of dif sorts same.
4. Calyx
a. No. of Sepals. Free or Connate?: 15 parted.
b. Superior or Inferior?: Superior.
c. Shape, Length and Color of?: Green ovate 1/4 inch.
5. Corolla
a. No. of Petals. Free or Connate?: 5 petals free
b. To what Attached?: Receptacle.
c. Shape, Length and Color of Petals?: ovate 1/4 yellow
d. Praefoliation, {Valvate, Involute, Convolute, etc.,:
6. Stamens
a. No. Distinct or United?: Many distinct.
b. Insertion of {On Calyx or Corolla " Receptacle, " Ovary,: on receptacle.
c. Relation to Each Other?:
d. Anthers, {Position, Attachment, Dehiscence,: Inward.
7. Pistil
a. Simple or Compound? Why?: Simple.
b. No. of Carples. Placentation:
c. Ovules {Number Position Kind: many
d. Fertilization {Self, Wind, Insect: Self
8. Fruit
a. Kind {Berry, Pome, Drupe, etc.: akene
b. Structure {Simple, Multiple,: Simple
c. From what Formed?: pistils
9. Leaves
a. Simple or Compound, form of?: Simple obovate oblong.
b. Use:
10. Roots and Rootstock
a. Manner of Growth {Tuber, Corymb, Bulb,:
b. Use {Absorption, Anchor, Store House:
c. Duration {Annual, Biennial, Perennial,:
Cross Section of Ovary.:
Plan of Flower.:
Order: Rosaceaae
Genus: Pontentilla
Species: S Cinquefoil Canadensis
Scientific Name: Cinquefoil Canadensis
Common Name: Cinquefoil
Habitat: [Brinks?] and fields
Locality: S. Ohio
Date: Apr 29
189_: 7
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